Saga and MetaGameHub Announce Strategic Partnership

Shayan Ghose
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2022

Saga is pleased to announce a partnership with MetaGameHub (MGH), a DAO that is a hub for Open Metaverse Experiences, focused on acquiring metaverse assets as well as developing metaverse infrastructure and tools. MGH plans to develop and monetize a broad portfolio of metaverse assets (mainly LANDs) from various Metaverses such as The Sandbox, Decentraland, Somnium Space, which the MGH community governs and thus monetises via GameFi applications, ads, event venues, art galleries and cultural hubs. They are also developing intuitive tools to help users navigate through the metaverse in a seamless way.

Be sure to check out our Twitter Space to learn more about this exciting announcement.

About MetaGameHub and the Saga Innovator Program

Saga is building Web3 infrastructure solutions to enable developers to build applications with their own dedicated blockspace. Dedicated blockspace ensures high throughput, no dependencies on other applications using Saga, easy upgradability and congestion relief. In addition, gas fees for infrastructure remain predictable and are by default hidden from the end user, allowing developers to use any token or currency for their applications. The automated deployment of dedicated blockspace will be secured via interchain security by the same set of validators that underlie the Saga mainnet.

MetaGameHub has developed a wide range of tools to help users navigate through the metaverse. These tools include:

Datasets — contain key statistics about Metaverse LANDs on the OCEAN Marketplace.

Chainlink Oracle — MGH Chainlink Oracle Node providing on-chain valuation data.

Valuation API — easy access and integration of our price estimations for Asset Managers, Funds, and NFT Marketplaces.

DCL Edit — the first editor for the Decentraland SDK. Use it to easily build Metaverse experiences with no coding knowledge.

Metaverse Staking Protocol — Stake your $MANA and $SAND on a vault that leverages a trading bot and our AI price estimation algorithm to buy and sell LANDs on established NFT marketplaces. All the profits are shared between stakers.

Valuation Interface — AI price estimations and analytics for Metaverse assets.

In coming months, MetaGameHub will evaluate Saga and our tools as a potential scaling solution.

In Their Own Words

“At MetaGameHub DAO we are excited to shape the future of the Open Metaverse together with our new partners at Saga!” Nicolas Weber, Founder, MetaGameHub DAO

“MetaGameHub is planting the seeds of a multi-chain marketplace for metaverse assets, and we are excited to partner with them as they expand in the market and offer their products to our vibrant ecosystem.” Rebecca Liao, Co-Founder & CEO, Saga.

Get Connected

To learn more about MetaGameHub, visit their website. Join their Discord or follow them on Twitter.

To learn more about Saga’s approach to blockchain gaming, click here. Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord.

