WTF is a Rollup? — A Stack Exploder Series

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3 min readJun 11, 2024


Welcome to the first episode of a multipart series where we aim to demystify the jargon surrounding blockchain scaling. In this episode, we will delve into the fundamental concepts of blockchain operations and explore the different scalability solutions, such as appchains, L1, L2, modular stacks, and rollups. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive understanding of these concepts and their implications in the blockchain ecosystem.

Fundamentals of Blockchain Operations

Let’s start by breaking down the core operations of a blockchain. At its core, a blockchain serves as a ledger that stores a specific state at a given time. For example, the current state may indicate that I own one token in my wallet, while Micah owns zero tokens. When a transaction is initiated to transfer one token from my wallet to Micah, the blockchain executes the transaction, resulting in an updated state where I own zero tokens and Micah owns one token.

Key Concepts: Data Availability, Execution, and Settlement

The blockchain’s operations can be divided into three primary components: data availability, execution, and settlement. Data availability involves storing a list of transactions that need to be processed, while execution refers to the process of running the transactions to update the state. Settlement encompasses updating the state to the canonical state, ensuring accuracy and integrity.

Challenges in Monolithic Chains

In traditional monolithic chains like Ethereum, validators perform all three critical functions — data availability, execution, and settlement. However, this approach faces significant scalability challenges, particularly as the volume of transactions increases.

Ethereum’s Scalability Mission: The Modular Roadmap

Ethereum’s modular roadmap is a key aspect of its scalability strategy. By shifting certain components such as the execution off the Ethereum blockchain, Ethereum aims to relieve congestion and enhance its scalability. The central crux of Ethereum’s scaling approach is to maintain the settlement of state on Ethereum. This separation of data availability and execution process from Ethereum is essential for addressing the limitations. Furthermore, this approach involves separating the data availability and execution processes from Ethereum, with the goal of reducing congestion and enhancing scalability.

Rollups: A Scalability Solution

Rollups represent a specific form of execution environment that has been spun off from Ethereum. These rollups leverage an external data availability layer, such as Eigenlayer, Celestia, Avail, Near, etc., and then push their state updates back to Ethereum.

Underlying Challenges

One of the critical challenges associated with rollups is verifying the accuracy and validity of the state updates pushed from the rollup to Ethereum. This verification process is essential to ensure the integrity of the blockchain’s operations.

Two Approaches: Optimistic and ZK

Rollups employ two primary methods to address these challenges: optimistic and ZK (Zero-Knowledge) proofs. The optimistic approach involves a grace period during which the state updates are not immediately finalized on Ethereum, allowing auditors to challenge and verify the state. ZK proofs, on the other hand, utilize mathematical proofs to demonstrate the validity of state transitions, providing a more robust verification mechanism.

Looking Ahead: How Saga Fits in

In conclusion, the blockchain community is continually exploring and refining scalability solutions, such as rollups, to enhance Ethereum’s performance and scalability. Over the next few episodes, we will delve further into the intricacies of these solutions, including their advantages and trade-offs. For now, I hope this introductory episode has provided a clearer understanding of the core concepts and challenges surrounding blockchain scaling.

Stay tuned for our next episode, where we will explore the specific design decisions and trade-offs of optimistic and ZK rollups, shedding light on the complexities and implications of these approaches.

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