Sage Marketing Packages

Writing, Consulting and other Online Media Needs for Yoga Teachers and Holistic Health Professionals

Heather Sage
Sage Marketing
2 min readOct 7, 2017


a love note from me to you …

Hello there and Namaste!

As a yoga educator and writer, I understand the online media needs of the yoga and holistic health communities. I’ve been a yogi, writer and online media professional for twenty years, and a yoga teacher for ten.

I am absolutely in love with life. From one conscious business owner to another, I know you love what you do and I understand there is only so much time each day. That’s where I come in — helping you succeed is my passion.


  • Content creation and strategy
  • Website copy and featured articles
  • About pages and bios
  • Blog posts
  • Newsletter creation
  • Press releases
  • Curriculum and other teaching material — proofreading and editing

*see Marketing Kit for full list


Increase Online Attraction, SEO, Blog + Social Media … $100 & up

  • One researched, concisely written 300 to 2000 word blog post per week
  • Post tags to increase SEO and website traffic
  • Appropriate image with credit
  • Upload to your website as draft or final, depending on your needs/requests
  • One image and two social media posts to use and link back to article within the week

NOTE: a regular blog post is the #1 task you should have on your agenda each week to engage customers and keep them coming back to your site, yet it’s typically the first thing to go when business life takes over.

Well-researched and written blog posts take time. You supply ideas; I do all the heavy work. If you do nothing else, do this.

Regular web content forces Google to re-index your site, ultimately increasing your search engine rankings with the end-goal of acquiring more paying customers. It’s your biggest return on investment, at a relatively low cost.

Weekly/Monthly Newsletter $200 & up

  • Concise, well-written newsletter with links back to your website
  • Appropriately sourced images with attribution
  • Researched (if applicable), written, revised, posted and scheduled at optimal times

Social Media Bundle $150/week

  • Five social media posts
  • Five appropriately sourced images with attribution
  • Links back to various pages on website to increase customer engagement

$30/Hour ‘Get Started’ Bundles

New Website Build — content creation for new site on all main pages: Home, About, Services, Rates, Contact

Customer Choice — choose at least three items on services list to get started

Editing Bundle — research, writing, proofreading and editing of any and all online or print marketing material including but not limited to training manuals, workshop handouts, blogs, articles, direct mail. List of recommendations and implementation.

For a downloadable PDF of packages, go here.



Heather Sage
Sage Marketing

always thinking & a little too serious. mostly i write about being a soul having a human experience.