Ahead of the Curve

Bazed AI
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Bazed.ai Solutions to OpenAI’s Questions on Agentic AI

In December 2023, OpenAI published a seminal white paper outlining the challenges and best practices for governing agentic AI systems — autonomous entities capable of pursuing complex goals with minimal supervision. This paper has become a cornerstone for discussions on integrating these advanced systems into society responsibly, emphasizing the need for safety and accountability.

Coinciding with this pivotal discourse, since early 2023, our team has been at the leading edge of autonomous agent development, launching a multi-agent system into production at Monk.io and bringing its success rate from 20% to 75% in the matter of weeks. At the time we tried all major tools and decided that none of them were suitable for building production-ready agent systems. This led us to build Bazed.ai, a framework and platform preempting many of the concerns OpenAI’s paper delineates regarding agentic AI systems.

Bazed equips developers with the tools and features necessary to construct agents that are not only autonomous and self-correcting but also eventually capable of self-improvement. Remarkably, although Bazed.ai was conceived prior to the release of the paper, it inherently embodies the solutions for ensuring the safety and accountability that the paper so crucially highlights.

Developer Experience and Democratization

Our commitment to democratizing the development of agentic systems is realized through Bazed.ai’s embrace of TypeScript. This choice is deliberate; TypeScript’s static typing enhances code quality and maintainability, making it an ideal fit for constructing dependable agents. Bazed treats agents as TypeScript classes, offering a familiar paradigm to web and full-stack developers and significantly lowering the barrier to entry. The development experience is further enriched by a local server with hot reload capabilities, abstracting away the complexities of agent orchestration and state management, and allowing developers to focus on what truly matters — building innovative, intelligent agents.

Core Design Principles: Statefulness and Typing

Bazed’s architecture is built upon two foundational pillars: statefulness and strong typing. Statefulness ensures that each agent, or a collective swarm of agents, maintains a continuous thread of context, allowing for intricate operations that are both traceable and resumable. Strong typing, facilitated by TypeScript, underpins the robust communication and cooperation between agents, ensuring that interactions are predictable and exact. These core principles are not just theoretical ideals; they translate into tangible benefits across various dimensions of agent governance.

Audit Trails and Monitoring

Transparency and accountability are paramount in Bazed.ai’s ecosystem. Every agent action is logged as a state transition, creating a comprehensive audit trail that is both insightful for developers and accessible to non-technical stakeholders through a visual debugger. These audit trails are not just for show; they are a critical tool for real-time monitoring and post-hoc analysis, enabling a deep understanding of agent behavior and enabling continuous improvement. This iterative improvement begins with well-informed developers making manual adjustments to the agents, and as the system matures, it will evolve into an automated fine-tuning process, leveraging the rich, structured data gleaned from each agent’s operations.

Fault Tolerance and Self-Correction

Due to their stateful nature, Bazed.ai’s agents are inherently resilient, designed to tolerate faults and self-correct. The platform’s ability to pause and resume agents ensures uninterrupted service, while the strong typing and validation framework allows agents to recognize and rectify deviations from their intended behavior. This self-corrective loop is essential for maintaining the integrity of operations and for the agents’ eventual ability to learn and evolve from their experiences.

Multi-Stakeholder Scenarios and Data Scoping

In multi-stakeholder environments, Bazed.ai’s design excels by enforcing strict data scoping. Agents declare their data needs explicitly, and the platform orchestrates a shared yet secure context where agents access only what’s necessary. This approach not only preserves user privacy and data security but also facilitates effective collaboration among agents from different origins, ensuring they operate harmoniously towards collective objectives while respecting each stakeholder’s boundaries.

Security and Data Privacy

Security is not an afterthought in Bazed.ai; it is ingrained in every layer. Agents operate within isolated containers, interact through authenticated proxies, and handle ephemeral data, all of which are strategies to minimize risk and protect privacy. These stringent security measures ensure that users can deploy agents with confidence, knowing their data is managed responsibly and with respect for their privacy.

Integration with Existing Systems

Bazed.ai’s integration capabilities are designed to be as frictionless as possible. The platform’s auto-generated APIs enable agents to be effortlessly woven into existing digital ecosystems, whether they are enhancing current services or forging new functionalities. The use of TypeScript further ensures that agents can seamlessly communicate with private APIs, offering flexibility and control to developers as they integrate Bazed into their existing infrastructures.


Bazed.ai represents a significant stride forward in the realm of agentic systems. It is a platform that not only addresses the practical concerns outlined in OpenAI’s paper but also offers a vision of what the future of autonomous agents can be. By prioritizing statefulness, typing, security, and integration, Bazed provides a comprehensive answer to the governance challenges of agentic systems. As we continue to evolve and refine Bazed, we remain dedicated to empowering developers and users alike, fostering the creation of intelligent systems that enhance our capabilities and drive progress across all sectors.

