A case from practice: Energy blocks

Sagittarius & Pluto
3 min readJul 15, 2020

In this series I share real cases from my astrological practice. All information is anonymous and shared with an agreement of the client.

Illustration by Vekendra

One of my clients has a problem with energy blocks. She works with people and enjoys her work a lot, but when it comes to engaging in marketing and customer search, she can’t force herself to begin. She understands that looking for new clients is an important part of her work, but can’t do anything about it.

How can I help her?

When it comes to energy blocks, the first thing to check is Mars.

Mars represents active energy in outer reality, work. If we have energy blocks — most possible something’s wrong with the Mars in our natal chart.

Her Mars is in conjunction with Venus. After a few questions I’ve found out that she doesn’t have energy blocks in general, she can do what she loves very well. So her Mars doesn’t work only with specific tasks.

When we look at conjunctions, the first thing to determine is which planet is stronger. Natal chart can give us a clue, but we can learn it only by interpersonal conversation. In her life Venus is stronger. And we have a brilliant situation: the conjunction between Mars and Venus is a union between activity and feeling, work and beauty, energy and social interactions.

Every time when Mars is active Venus is active as well. Venus is stronger than Mars, so it rules Mars. Venus can make Mars soft and weak.

It’s like a caricature couple, where the husband is following all the wife’s words. Mars can be active and productive but only in the specific areas, sanctioned by Venus.

In other words, Venus can block Mars if the work doesn’t look beautiful or socially important. That’s why my client can perfectly do some work which she likes without any problems. But if she doesn’t like the work, if she doesn’t find it beautiful on a deep level, then her Venus just blocks Mars — all her energy and activity.

What to do in such a situation?

To work on the conjunction between Venus and Mars in order to make their collaboration more productive.

The key moment is Venus: we need to activate higher levels of Venus vibrations to change it from controller to supporter.

So instead of “Venus blocks Mars if we don’t like the work” — comes “Venus helps us to do work in the most beautiful way”.

For example

Instead of: “I don’t want to do work which I don’t like, which I don’t find beautiful”.
We can think: “I can find beauty in every work I do”; “I do all work in a beautiful way”.

Instead of: “I don’t like technology, I don’t like social media, I don’t feel good working with that, I want to escape this task”.
We can change our mindset into: “I don’t like social media, but I know that the world is beautiful and I can find beauty in that work too: for example, I see beauty in opportunity to be connected with many-many people far away from me. And I want to make it work, to make my way of being connected with people in the most beautiful way I can! That’s why I learn how to do it right or I ask other people for help.”

Our life is based on fundamental energies. They can’t be good or bad by themselves. The way we use these energies is important.
That’s why when we face a problem it’s very important to find out its reason: what forces lie beyond it. And then to make them work in a more constructive way.



Sagittarius & Pluto

Practicing astrologer. Share experience and thoughts about astrology and subtle world.