Magical illustrations by Vekendra

Astrology revelation: We all are different

Sagittarius & Pluto
6 min readMay 24, 2020


What can Astrology teach us in 2020?
To understand that we all are different. Yeah, that’s more difficult than we can think. Let’s look at our natal charts.


The first important filter is our Ascendant. It shows the style of our self-expression and the way we see the world. It’s the filter between our inner world and the outer reality, which cuts off a lot of information to allow only a small dose that matches the sign.

If it’s in Leo, we will shine; in Cancer — silently observe; in Gemini — we will be what people call easy-going.


It’s not easy to find two people with identical natal charts. Different aspects construct completely different realities and psychological adaptation.

A person who has many trine aspects never understands a person full of square aspects. The first one will see life through rose-tinted glasses, being a minion of fate: all his issues usually disappear by themselves and the Universe is a generous place giving a lot without asking anything back. For him it’s difficult to believe that life can be different.

A square-man appears to him to be just a rude, ungrateful barbarian who is stressed instead of enjoying life. “Relaaaax, take it easy, bro” — he says to the square-man and gets a derogatory gaze back.

Because for a person with many square aspects, life is a heavy, intense and sometimes desperate work (or even hard labor), where the best result he can achieve is “ok” but never “good”. His issues never disappear by magic, he needs to solve them by himself. And everything he has in life he has to take by himself. No gifts, nothing in advance, only hard work.

Minor aspects

Of course it’s a rough example, and usually we have all the major aspects in our natal chart. More fun with minor aspects. Some of them can be quite rare. And they work not as imperatively as major aspects. They are much subtler. But their effect on our subconscious is huge.

There is a minor aspect called septile. It symbolizes number 7, something what we can call “a still little voice of Conscience”. It represents full control of subtle level over the material level of reality.

Very often this aspect is responsible for dogmatic way of thinking.

If we don’t have that aspect we will never understand how it is possible to pay so much attention to something that doesn’t matter at all (for us)!

For example septile of Mercury. That’s the aspect of Grammar Nazi, desire to make language clean and correct. For us, it doesn’t matter if we use the fully correct word or not, the most important thing is to convey the message to our listener, that’s the point. But not for a person who has a septile of Mercury. For him that is a question of life and death.

Planets in Signs.

Moon in Cancer and Moon in Virgo are two different Moons.

When Cancer Moon cares about someone, she pays more attention to the emotional part. She can carefully listen, hug, make a hot tea and perfectly understand what we need now to feel better.

Virgo Moon care is focused more on concrete material help. Maybe she won’t understand our deep feelings so perfectly but she makes sure that we get all the necessary help to solve the issue.

So if we need to be listened to and understood, it’s better to go to someone who has Moon in Cancer. If we want concrete help in solving some issues, then Virgo Moon is a better choice.


What about deeper level?

Imagine we have a friend who has Mercury, mentality and communication, in the same sign as us — Libra.

Dispositor is a sign where the ruler of our planet’s sign is located. Ruler of Libra is Venus. So dispositor of our Mercury will be the sign of our Venus.

Here comes the trickiest part. Venus in our natal chart and our friend’s one are located in different signs. Our Venus is in Sagittarius and our friend’s Venus is in Virgo.

So we both have Mercury in one sign: the way we think is similar. But dispositors are different: the way we express our thoughts is different. We can speak very directly and sometimes even rudely (Sagittarius). And our friend can speak accurately and sometimes even aridly (Virgo).

Mercury in Libra gives a doubting mind. But form of the doubts is different:
Sagittarius despositor: You say bullshit!
Virgo despositor: I’m not sure about that, I see some inaccuracies in your reasoning so I can’t fully agree with you.


We need to know the exact time of birth to build a correct house system. The houses move 1 per 5 minutes. Sometimes 10–15 minutes can make a difference.

If we can find another person with the same birthday, it will be very difficult to find another person with the same time and place of birth.

Each house represents a very concrete part of our life. We already talked about Ascendant, the beginning of the 1st house and how much difference it makes.

Let’s say our 3rd house is in Virgo. Then at school we prefer to learn everything step by step focusing on every detail.

A person with the 3rd house in Sagittarius will never understand us. He will prefer to get the bigger picture as soon as possible, to learn the concept first and don’t give too much attention to the details.

Or aspect. We have the same trine aspect between Mars and Venus with our friend. But our Mars and Venus are in 3 and 6 houses. So we can expect the manifestation of that aspect in parts of our life which are connected with studying and work.
And our friend has them in 7 and 10 houses, which represent relationships and career. So he can expect the effect of that aspect there. What a big difference, isn’t it!

That’s why all these advice, secrets and recipes of success are completely useless. Different people require different recipes.

A recommendation to be super strict with money and watch every cent can be dangerous for a person who has Neptune in the 2nd house. To get money they need to do the opposite.

Experience and level of consciousness

And of course we should remember the golden rule of Astrology: we look at the person through his natal chart, not the opposite!

We all have different experiences in our lives, we go different paths and have different levels of consciousness. With completely the same aspects we can work differently. For some of us square aspects are nightmares, and for others they are the most helpful thing.

Every second with the same natal chart there is a tree, a tiger and human beings getting born. Obviously, they will have different lives.


Ok, my dear friends, what is the moral of that long story?

First of all, we all are different and unique. We should take it seriously, not at mental level only.

We need to remember that simple truth all the time when we tell someone that something is not important, that they should take it easy.

No, that can be unimportant to us, but in their inner reality it can be a key question. We need to remember that all the time when we have misunderstandings, when we are surprised by someone’s behavior, when we think: how is it possible to behave like this (in other words: not as we do).
And be a little bit less critical and more compassionate.

Second, we all have our own individual paths and “recipes of success” (whatever success means). We need to remember that the next time when we will follow somebody’s advice instead of listening to ourselves. And when we will give someone advice.

Third, Astrology is an incredibly powerful tool which can help us better understand ourselves and the world around to follow our own path.



Sagittarius & Pluto

Practicing astrologer. Share experience and thoughts about astrology and subtle world.