5 Disruptive Technology You Should Be Aware Of!

Written by Gilda Given

Sahara Ventures
Sahara Ventures
5 min readJun 6, 2022


Well, The World moves so fast and so should you!

It’s 2022 and those who lived in the 70s or 80s couldn’t understand or predict how will the world turn out be recent. Does that mean it’s going to end and all humans will disappear soon? Not really, even a great scientist still couldn’t assure you what it’s going to be like in the coming 100 years.

However, we can travel through great minds like Elon Musk who want to move us to Mars and get a picture in our imagination and saying so, the intent of this article should come off, sharing with you 5 disruptive technologies that change and can change the world completely different.

By definition, disruptive technology is an innovation that uses technology that dramatically changes the way consumers, customers, and how businesses operate. The domination currently grows fast up to 80% due to the fast growth of the information age. It’s something that people are still learning through, also coming up with different ideas, and when they’re first developed, disruptive technologies often create a new market.

Here are the top 5 disruptive technology you should be aware of.

1. AI Enablement

Indeed defines Artificial Intelligence as a technology that allows computers to problem solve and reason in the same ways that humans do. Examples of Artificial Intelligence include:


Self-driving cars

Home assistants

Chatbots found on retail sites

Digital travel agents

At least, some people are aware of this already, but AI continues to be one of the technologies that have been used recently in different ways not only by individuals and big companies but AI supports many other technology trends globally.

We have seen how big companies like Amazon apply AI with a B2B SaaS model to make their packaging product more effective and other companies that use AI to make customers more effective and active in their systems not only but companies that depend more on data and feedback are all necessary to enable AI itself.

2. Economy Platforms

These are online platforms that depend more on an online presence to exist. All integrations are been done online without the help of a third party — that means a human being and has become a great aid to the world. We have seen platforms like Udemy or SkillsShare how disruptive they are to the education system, so do Amazon on selling and so many economic platforms from e-commerce, and healthy systems, to education.

3. 3D Printing

Have you ever thought of something in your mind, ad been able to see it in the real world for just 5–10 minutes? Well! That’s how 3D printing works.

3D is one among the improver technology used to manufacture specific materials parts and physical objects that doesn’t require a block of material but simply tons and fuses layers of material.

It’s typically fast, has low fixed setup costs, and can create more complex structures than the other technologies, with an ever-expanding list of materials. It is used extensively in the engineering industry, particularly for prototyping and creating lightweight geometries. No wonder people are open to using it.

4. Blockchain

This disruptive technology is referred to as the world’s most popular way to buy, sell, and trade liquid currency online. Some even predict that it’s the future of the economy, maybe we do know it yet and maybe we don’t.

However, a simple understanding has been explained by Euromoney, which referred to blockchain as a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system.

Euromoney continued to show that it doesn’t end there but blockchain gives power to digital transactions that are duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.

And if you don’t get to understand how it does work, check this sample explanation from the Builtin which explains a simple analogy for understanding blockchain technology is to think of a Google Doc.

“When we create a document and share it with a group of people, the document is distributed instead of copied or transferred. This creates a decentralized distribution chain that gives everyone access to the document at the same time. No one is locked out awaiting changes from another party, while all modifications to the doc are being recorded in real-time, making changes completely transparent.”

Maybe it’s more complicated than a Google Doc, but you can visit platforms like Builtin and Euromoney which dedicated their hundred hours to teaching you what blockchain technology means most easily.

If you don’t know this!

Working with disruptive technology, especially in business can help you fast grow your business in the following areas.

1. Customer service: Instead of depending too much on human beings and getting confused about how to push them to do the work, you can install different AI systems that will automate your business for great growth and the work will be more effective 10 times compare to human beings. It is cost-effective, increases productivity, and speeds up the process.

2. Business growth and analysis: For instance, if you want to bring your business idea prototype to the world as someone who is developing a product to be used with other humans, you can simply use 3D printing to give you a clear sense of what to do next.

You can also use other software technologies to track your business and get to know how your business performs and take a strategy forward if you aren’t seeing your business where it is supposed to be.

3. Global business scaling: See how e-commerce has shifted how people buy things. Think of how Amazon, Shopify, Udemy, and Uber disrupted the market. Not only they have managed to scale their business due to the use of disruptive technology and reach so many people, but they have managed to give other people platforms to scale out their business too. It seems impossible, in the real sense but with disruptive technology, either way, it can be done.

4. Changing the status quo of ownership: This is the Blockchain part. It changes the status quo of how the finance industry work. It is different and people can have control over what they own. Maybe, no government and no taxes involved too.

As someone who works in the innovation ecosystem, understanding different ways how you can fast-track using these techniques is significant.5 Disruptive Technology You Should Be Aware Of!



Sahara Ventures
Sahara Ventures

Our mission is to build a stable innovation, technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Africa through consultancy and investment.