Growth In Crisis is not an option

Vanessa Kisowile
Sahara Ventures
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2020

One thing that crisis has a tendency of doing is paralyzing people from doing anything at all and all you see is the fear of the future. What if I tell you, you can still grow in this crisis, and your business can still strive and grow in this crisis?

All through history crisis has had certain characters, confusion, helplessness, loss, instability, and fear. As a business person especially running a small business these unprecedented times may be worse than you can explain, let me share a few tips on how you can still strive and grow during this crisis.

Be hopeful, stand on your values as a leader and as a business.

Nothing says we can get through this and there is hope like a leader who stands on their values, stays hopeful and helpful during a crisis. It’s understandable, you are also growing through it, but you are a leader for a reason.

As a business, your clients need to know that you are dependable, so stay in communication with your clients, keep serving the clients best way you can and in cases where you need to close, stay in touch with the customers through social media, emails, newsletter etc, that will act as your starting point in your comeback.

Agility and Foresight must not depart from you.

Be agile and set new strategies for short and medium terms. Do your research on how the situation is affecting your market and the economic stand globally and locally then come with strategies that will help you stay afloat for the next 6–9 months.

The new strategy might even mean developing a whole new service or product that helps generate earnings you need to survive during the crisis.

Value your team and show compassion.

You are not going through this alone, in your surprise, your team may be having this harder than you have. Believe it or not, employees care about their leaders than the leaders give credit to them, they may be worried about you, about their jobs, about their future and about the responsibilities they have.

Involving your employees in deferent decisions you make during this time especially those that will impact their routines is very important in building the trust, unity, and loyalty businesses need more now than ever.

Taking time to understand what your team is going through individually is also very important in building a future for your business that includes your whole team. You have no idea how far teams can go to sacrifice for the businesses they believe in when they are valued, included, and where there is great communication between the administration and the team.

Digital is the new black.

Not sure how this sounds, but the thing is everyone is moving digital including some of your customers for convenience sake and safety are using digital for certain services if not all. It’s high time, you migrate from offline to online, you might say but I already had social media accounts, well, it’s beyond that.

Now it’s time to adopt how your team can work remotely because you don’t want to lose good talent. It’s time to find ways to retain clients and create new leads through digital communications and content marketing. It’s time to find ways to know your clients' new behaviors and needs using social media.

It’s a whole new world for small businesses at the moment.

Find valuable partnerships.

It’s the right time to partner with other small businesses that you can leverage values with so that you can both combine the strength of your services and your market to grow.

For instance, if you are running a beauty shop partner with those offering beauty services, so you advertise their services while they use and advertise your products, it’s win-win. You share the same market but different focuses.

For more tips on how to grow in crisis, follow us on social media, Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin keep at Sahara Sparks following our #GrowthInTheCrisis campaign on our social media.



Vanessa Kisowile
Sahara Ventures

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