Written by Nice Charles Msangi, Edited by Rose Urassa & Ntimi Mtawa

Sahara Ventures
Sahara Ventures
7 min readNov 15, 2022


“Those closest to the problem are often the ones with the most sustainable solutions, however, we often choose to ignore that.”Bester Mulauzi


For the seventh year, Sahara Ventures, through Sparks, has hosted a series of events that provide valuable platforms for transactions and conversations around Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship.

Since it’s inaugural in 2016, Sahara Sparks has hosted over 300 High-profile speakers, over 30,000 attendees, and over 3000 startups and SMEs.

The theme for 2016 was “Breaking the Barriers,” 2017 the event was themed “Towards the Smart Solution,” followed by “Innovation in the Data Age” in 2018, then moved to “The 4th Industrial Revolution” in 2019, “Africa Beyond 2020” given the Covid-19 crisis, “Future Re-imagined” in 2021. In 2022, Sahara Sparks was underpinned by the theme “Potential Unleashed” and hosted over 15 events.

Potential Unleashed is aimed at sparking and provoking critical conversation and resolutions on unlocking the untapped potential of youths, particularly in the digital age. The Potential Unleashed, the central theme was supplemented by sub-themes, namely, Digital and Financial Inclusion, Digital Skill and Employability, Tech-Transfer and Research for Development, Grassroots and Community Driven Innovation, Emerging Technologies and Startups, Data and Digital Literacy, Technology for Social Good, Digital Leadership and Governance, Nutrition and Food Security, and Creative Economy.

Several vital issues regarding unleashing the potential of youth across different sectors were discussed throughout the week. From the discussions, there are several essential lessons regarding the Potential unleashed for youth emerged. Here are some;

  • “Africa needs to understand that technology is a constant issue and a reality; these are the words from the late Dr. B. Nduru,” as quoted by Jumanne Mtambalike

Technology is no longer a hobby. Being technologically savvy is not a fancy skill to possess but rather a must because of the disruptive progression of our society. It is no longer a mere or an add-on sector but an essential aspect of the current and future labor market.

With the rapid technological revolution and shift towards a digital economy, we must ask ourselves whether Tanzanian youths are ready for a technologically driven economy and the future of the labor market.

In the Tanzanian context, there is an escalating number of youth unemployment. While unemployment was more prevalent in the past for uneducated and unskilled youth, today, graduates and educated youth find it difficult to get employed or create jobs for themselves and others. This has compelled more educated young people to resort to business as an alternative to unemployment.

With more youths venturing into business, there is a need to support them to become technologically savvy, acquire skills, and become innovative and competitive. More importantly, emerging technologies should enable youth to create employment and jobs for themselves and others.

  • “We need to change the culture and grow the appetite to instill and consume digital skills.” Diana Ninsiima

We all know that digital technologies will drive our future, but putting that into practice can be significantly challenging as digital change accelerates. Many youths need relevant digital skills to flourish in today’s rapidly changing environment.

In order to make progress, a mindset shift is needed at all levels to encourage the development of new skills.

Success in the digital age includes focusing on mindset and skillset. Key to this shift is adopting a culture of continuous learning and self-improvement. Youths must understand and view digital skills not as something to obtain but as part of a personal journey. It’sIt’s a different way of thinking than what we need to be accustomed to.

  • “If you need to be successful in this world, you need to know the value of data,” Agapiti Manday.

Data plays a significant role in the development of any nation. Data is a foundation of development policies and a tool that enables people to make informed and intelligent decisions. Youths are the drivers of change in a country. They must get a good understanding of data and its uses. To create an even ground for youth to engage in data-driven initiatives effectively, young people must be informed and aware of the relevant policies and structures that underpin and support the country’s journey toward its development objectives.

The value of data is not about selling data. It is about realizing that information is the lifeblood of an organization. It is the foundation of decisions, as you need data to make credible decisions.

Today, in our internet-focused world, data is widely considered among the world’s most valuable resources because of how much potential revenue and the business value it can provide.

  • “We need to understand the potential of startup companies in terms of job creation, attracting investment, and most importantly to solve the challenges that we have.” Dr. Hassan Mshinda

We first need to understand the purpose of the startup economy as we move from the agriculture economy to the manufacturing economy, and now we are in the service sector economy. We need to understand the potential of startup companies in terms of job creation, attracting investment, and, most importantly, solving our challenges.

80% of Tanzanians are farmers, but when you look at our contribution to GDP is only 25%, and the annual growth of agriculture is only 4%.

Previous knowledge economy was deemed luxurious, but now with the emergence and growth of the digital economy and technology, the role of the startup economy is becoming crucial. This is with the expectation that the startup economy will fill the gap and the shortcomings of agriculture and manufacturing because technology is cutting across.

  • “I understand the environment isn’t supportive of startups but keep moving on, and we’ll get where we all want to reach technologically because the world isn’t working for us to catch up with the momentum,” Rtd. Amb. Ami Mpungwe

We often ask ourselves, how do we build a disruptive, exponential startup economy while we still have traditional systems and procedures to coordinate for governance? But what about just moving, making a change before things have stabilized, and using any resources available to make a change, however complex it gets.

The world is not waiting for us; it’s moving so fast and not slowing down, and we must create an environment where we can start anything, particularly in the space of technologies that drive the process of the industrial revolution centered on data.

But, in the long run, the government has to intervene to help these young developers and innovators.

  • “As youth, we have to step forward and see how our new inventions won’t only benefit our generation, but also the future generation, and even the generation that does not see the importance of our creativity.” Idris Sultan

The youths are keen on seeing things from a perspective that has never been imagined before to move forward with their ideas and innovations, which can bring change in their communities. They are very rebellious, and instead of creating systems that stop them from exploring their creativity, they should be encouraged to try things continuously, over and over again, until they get it right.

We have so many things hindering young people’s development; we must change society’s mindset to solve them. People have to break the circle of the road blocking the youth towards their goals.

And during the Local Market place, as of the culture of Sahara Sparks, we did introduce the new theme for 2023, with everyone included did give his vote on it.

Officially the theme for Sahara Sparks 2023 is “EMBRACING DISRUPTION.”

The link below is all the photos of Sahara Sparks 2022 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1x75UFfiPSDgk-IIz6imDjOgWK95OSyz9



Sahara Ventures
Sahara Ventures

Our mission is to build a stable innovation, technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Africa through consultancy and investment.