Roaring The New Normal, Future Reimagined

Overview of Sahara Sparks 2021

Nice Charles Msangi
Sahara Ventures
5 min readOct 22, 2021


The Corona Virus Pandemic brought a prodigious shift in our lives, and its damages are evident. Our lives are not the same. The tech Innovations have accelerated as well, as we are adapting to the new normal.

Sahara Sparks being the most significant esteemed avenue for conversations on Tech Innovations for years. In 2021, it brings to you Future Reimagined that aims to explore how developing economies can adopt Innovation, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation to accelerate social-economic development and help navigate and recover crises. In a more straightforward language, how Innovation and technology will shape the future of Africa Post-COVID19.

What to expect from the Future Reimagined?

Be Patient, So, Sahara Sparks 2021 #FutuReimagined will traverse five strategic areas where digital transformation and Innovation can play vital roles.

Innovation for Development; As many buzzwords, the term innovation is thrown around so broadly that it almost seems meaningless. Innovation is vital at all stages of development. Specifically, the creation and diffusion of technologies are essential for economic growth and social welfare.

The 2030 Agenda adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015 positioned Science, Technology, and Innovation as crucial means of Implementing SDGs. Also, in the GII report 2020, Tanzania ranks 3rd, just behind South Africa/Mauritius (1st) and Kenya (2nd), and that sounds like birds chirping in the morning to Tanzania’s innovation ecosystem.

In 2020, the top 5 economies in the region were Mauritius (52nd), South Africa (60th), Kenya (86th), the United Republic of Tanzania (88th), and Botswana (89th). The workshop will discuss the role of Innovation and technology in supporting the global and national development agenda. It recognizes the opportunity and obligation to innovate to respond to diverse and emerging development challenges through agile and flexible solutions that stretch beyond the ‘business as usual approach’.

For five years, UNFPA Tanzania collaborating with Sahara Sparks, has supported innovative solutions that address sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) challenges affecting young people through the AMUA accelerator platform. Within this context, UNFPA and Sahara Sparks will share the experience of using innovations to address SRHR challenges affecting young people and others. The workshop will also provide a platform for sharing learnings and good practices from different projects and initiatives implemented by the eight startups generated from AMUA Innovation Accelerator supported by Sahara in collaboration with UNFPA. So expect to learn from other stakeholders implementing similar/innovative projects in Tanzania.

Emerging and Future Technologies, Have you ever heard of the terms? Emerging Technologies are incredibly new and relatively fast-growing technology characterized by a certain degree of consistent persisting over time. They can considerably impact the socioeconomic domains; however, their impact on projects in the future, thus in the emergence phase, is still somewhat uncertain and open to more than one interpretation.

It’s clear that emerging and future technology holds power to revolutionize development in African nations; however, there is a need to have a shared and agreed-upon ethical implementation framework for all who seek to realize the bounties promised by emerging and future technologies. Sahara Sparks 2021 #FutuReimagined aims to build upon the conversations by bringing together the thought leaders and implementers in the space. The goal is to offer answers to the questions and concerns regarding its effects on discrimination, jobs, and democracy during the implementation.

The event is undoubtedly a unique opportunity to critically consider and plan the application of Blockchain Technology by bringing together industry experts, thought leaders, and individuals focused on the continent’s future through the lens of technology, Innovation, and entrepreneurship. Not something to miss if you are a technology enthusiast.

Digital regulations and Smart governance, have you ever thought of this? I mean the use of technology and Innovation to facilitate and support enhanced decision-making and planning. Sounds cool, right?

The aim of this is to bring agencies closer to citizens and businesses, providing services more efficiently. At the same time, it must support the policies and procedures in place and create a transparent and innovative government.

That’s digital regulations and smart governance. Tanzania and Africa at large are fast adopting technology and digital transformation as tools to create opportunities for youths and women. The agenda for the 25th of October, the first day of Sahara Sparks #FutuReimagined. There will be a high-level round table that aims to have a high-Level leadership discussion on the role of Innovation and technology for socioeconomic post COVID19 era.

How can we ensure the adoption and technology positively impact the economy and grassroots communities? How do we ensure technology is a tool for good and evil, encouraging more opportunities through digital connectivity and electronic commerce? How can we better govern innovative technological solutions to ensure they create intended impact while balancing the role of regulators between policing and facilitating? How does the future look? Can we reimagine the future?

These are the questions that will ignite the conversation on Sahara Sparks 2021.

Startup Financing; According to the World Bank, countries can make a quick jump in economic development by harnessing technological Innovation. Fintech is a rapidly growing Industry that saves both consumers’ interest and business.

As part of the scope Sahara Sparks 2021 #FutuReimagined is exploring, UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is partnering with Sahara Ventures to run a FinTech Accelerator program for Tanzanian Fintechs startups. Fintechs taking part in the program will have an opportunity to; investor readiness support through self-assessment tools and expert advice, Access to networking opportunities for strategic partners for their business, and Post marketplace support from Sahara Accelerator and UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) Tanzania.

In the spirit of what we hope to achieve, the event will bring together different stakeholders in the fintech community, including banks, microfinance banks, Investment communities, Incubators, and hubs. There will be a pitch session involving ten business ideas in the early stage of their business development.

These businesses will stand a chance to pitch for 5 minutes to a jury that will challenge and pour recommendations that are practical for their context.

The Future Reimagined 2021 event will be a blended event with physical and virtual events. We will have a limited number of people for physical participation. All necessary preventive measures for COVID19 will be observed, including physical distancing, face masks, and hand sanitizers. We are not leaving behind a soul. Can’t you participate physically? Then connect with us virtually.



Nice Charles Msangi
Sahara Ventures

Communication Consultant💡| Jesus Believer | Creative Content Enthusiasts 😊