Drive Product Success — A Strategic Framework Approach for PMs

Esra Gümüştop
Sahibinden Technology
6 min readMay 28, 2024

Product Managers play a pivotal role in translating the company’s vision into tangible strategies and outcomes. Beyond day-to-day operations, their responsibility lies in crafting a well-defined product strategy that aligns with the company’s vision. This involves not only understanding current market dynamics but also anticipating future trends and technological advancements.

A strategic framework serves as guidance for the product team, providing leadership with control over the big picture rather than getting involved in practical details.

Strategic Framework

A strategic framework typically includes key components that guide the overall direction and decision-making for a project, organization, or product. The specific elements may vary, but commonly, a strategic framework includes vision, strategy, roadmap, objectives, key results, implementation plans, monitoring, and evaluation. If your company embraces agile methodologies, you can use the following strategic framework that aligns with the hierarchy of product development within agile methodologies.

Understanding the strategic framework is crucial for Product Managers. From the company vision to product vision, strategy, and objectives, you should ensure alignment at every step. Balancing short-term tactical approaches with a long-term vision is key to successful product development. Since it happens at all levels of the strategy hierarchy, it is your job as a product manager to be strategic in every decision we make every day, every hour.

Now, let us try to break down these concepts.

Company Vision and Product Vision

Vision, in the context of a company or a product, is a forward-looking concept that encapsulates the desired future state and achievements. It represents the company’s aspirations and goals, evolving over time as a dynamic concept. Vision involves imagining a far-reaching future that holds the potential for success and actively working towards turning that vision into reality. Vision creates a story about what you are building, who your customer is, and why it matters, meaning the benefits and needs your address.

A strong product vision is the heartbeat of your product development efforts. As Product Managers, you contribute to shaping this narrative by identifying your target audience, understanding their needs, and articulating the unique value your products bring. Your responsibility extends to ensuring this vision is not just inspiring but also practical, serving as a guide for the entire team.

Product Strategy

The product vision alone is not concrete enough for the company and product team to act on. You need to understand the main milestones that would bring you to the future described in the vision. And that’s when product strategy comes in.

Product strategy is an intentional plan with established priorities, consisting of a series of actions aimed at achieving the product vision. It serves as a roadmap of activities and milestones carefully devised to lead the product toward its overarching goals. Additionally, product strategy may involve planning against potential opponents or competitors to ensure a comprehensive and competitive approach in achieving the envisioned product outcomes.

Product Managers are at the forefront of defining and executing the product strategy. This involves setting clear goals derived from the product vision and charting the course to achieve them. Your responsibility lies in prioritizing initiatives that will have a measurable impact on the organization and, more importantly, on the lives of your customers.

Product Roadmap

A product roadmap is a high-level visual representation that illustrates the planned trajectory of a product strategy over time. It serves as a dynamic summary of the product vision, strategy, and major initiatives intended to achieve specific product outcomes. Essentially, the product roadmap tells a story of the company’s priorities in product development, aligning with business goals. It visually outlines the series of projects and major steps necessary to realize the envisioned product objectives. As a dynamic tool, the product roadmap requires regular revisitation to ensure alignment with evolving strategies and objectives.

The responsibilities of a Product Manager on roadmapping include:

  1. Developing a Visual Representation: Creating a high-level, visual representation of the product strategy over time.
  2. Aligning with Product Strategy: Ensuring that the product roadmap aligns with the overall product strategy.
  3. Mapping Out Major Steps: Clearly articulating and mapping out the major steps and projects necessary to achieve the product vision.
  4. Telling a Story of Priorities: Crafting a narrative within the roadmap that tells the story of the company’s priorities in product development.
  5. Aligning Business Goals: Ensuring that the roadmap is in line with the broader business goals of the company.
  6. Regular Revisitation: Continuously revisit and update the product roadmap to keep it dynamic and aligned with evolving strategies.
  7. Communication: Effectively communicating the product roadmap to stakeholders, ensuring a shared understanding of priorities and strategic direction.
  8. Strategic Decision-Making: Making strategic decisions regarding the inclusion and prioritization of projects on the roadmap.
  9. Adaptation to Changes: Being adaptable and responsive to changes in the business landscape, adjusting the roadmap as needed.

In summary, the Product Manager plays a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining the product roadmap, ensuring that it serves as a clear, dynamic guide for the team and stakeholders in the pursuit of the product vision and strategic goals.

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

The quarterly roadmaps, which is called traditional roadmapping ensure that you are on the same page as everyone else. Every roadmap project is also associated with a specific business goal. In order that you use a combination of the OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework along traditional roadmapping to guide your strategic framework

The Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) framework is a goal-setting methodology that serves as a powerful tool for driving focused efforts at scale. In this framework, Objectives set the directional vision, representing the aspirational ‘winning’ state. Complementing Objectives, Key Results act as measurable indicators that gauge progress and traction. Effective Key Results are essential for success as they provide insights into the distance from reaching the Objective during a specific quarter. They play a critical role in guiding efforts, facilitating adjustments, and identifying areas where expected results are not being realized.

Overall, OKRs offer a structured approach to strategic planning, aligning objectives with measurable outcomes and empowering you to track and adapt to their progress effectively. In the dynamic landscape of product management, a Product Manager’s responsibilities on OKRs involve working collaboratively with teams to achieve.

Product Backlog

The product backlog is a prioritized list encompassing all necessary improvements for a product, serving as a detailed tactical plan derived from the roadmap. It is a fundamental artifact in Agile methodology, consolidating information such as requirements, estimation, progress status, and communication. Proficient understanding and management of the product backlog are crucial for project success, as it plays a significant role in creating a high-quality product.

This detailed list, known as the product backlog, outlines the tasks essential for product development in alignment with the product roadmap. It encompasses various elements, including User Stories, Bugs, or other necessary tasks. The product backlog serves as a communication tool, conveying what tasks are next on the team’s agenda. Managing the product backlog effectively is key to achieving a well-executed and successful product development process.

The Product Backlog consists of Epics and Stories. Epic requires a project that takes more than a Sprint to several months. User Story is the smallest value that will be delivered each Sprint.


The strategic framework approach for Product Managers is a linchpin for translating a company’s vision into actionable strategies, ensuring successful product development. From envisioning the company and product vision to crafting a deliberate product strategy, a well-defined roadmap, and utilizing methodologies like OKRs, the role of a Product Manager is dynamic and pivotal.

The strategic framework acts as a guiding light, helping Product Managers balance short-term tactical approaches with a long-term vision. By aligning every decision with the overarching goals, Product Managers ensure that the product roadmap is not just a visual representation but a dynamic tool for effective communication, decision-making, and adaptation.

Furthermore, adapting the strategic framework to the hierarchy of product development within agile methodologies ensures that the team remains agile and responsive to changes in the business landscape, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. So, this strategic framework serves as more than a managerial tool. By embracing and mastering this strategic framework approach, Product Managers can steer their teams toward achieving product success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.



Esra Gümüştop
Sahibinden Technology

+6 years experienced, highly motivated, and results-oriented Product Manager with proven experience in defining and delivering successful digital products.