Part 2: Add a Cloudfront Distribution, Buy a Domain and Request an SSL Certificate

Sai Dilip
Sai Ops
Published in
6 min readMay 31, 2021
Photo by Christopher Gower on Unsplash

Services used in this tutorial

Creating a Cloudfront Distribution

What is cloudfront and why are we using it?- Cloudfront is a CDN (content delivery service) service. A CDN is a geographically network of data centers. The purpose is to help “minimize the delays in loading web page content by reducing the physical distance between the server and the user. This helps users around the world view the same high-quality content without slow loading times” — Akamai
  • Please head to the Cloudfront service in the AWS Console
  • Click on “Create Distribution”
  • Click on Get Started

Origin Settings

  • Origin Domain Name: Click on the empty field to get a drop-down list. Paste the link from the S3 Static Web Hosting Section. Following format:
  • Leave others default

Default Cache Behavior Settings

  • Viewer Protocol Policy — Choose “Redirect HTTP to HTTPS”
  • Save your changes
  • This can take up around 15–30 minutes
  • After it is successfully deployed click on the Cloudfront link. Your website should appear

Route 53

  • Please head to Route 53 to configure our DNS settings
We will be using this service to route any requests come to domain to forward to your cloudfront distribution.
  • Click on the hamburger menu on the left

Register Domain

  • Under Domains tree, please click on “Registered Domains”
  • Click on Register Domain (blue button)
  • Type in a Domain you would like to buy and click Check
  • If you are satisfied with the cost, Click on “Add to cart”
  • Click on Continue
  • Type in your Contact Details
  • Click on Continue when finished
  • You should be in the Verify & Purchase menu now
  • Check your Contact Details: Verify your contact information
  • Managing DNS for Your New Domain: Either choose to enable or disable if you want to auto-renew your domain.
  • Terms and Conditions: Acknowledge and highlight the dialog box
  • Click on Complete Order
Note: Domain Registration took around 2 hours for me.

Hosted Zones

  • Please head over to hosted zones by clicking on the hamburger menu again on the left
  • You should see that a hosted zone is created for you
What is a hosted zone? 
- Think of hosted zone has a way to organize records. Right now I have a separate hosted zone for each domain. For each domain, we can set different records like A, CNAME, NS and more. More on what each record is, please look at this article from cloudflare.
  • Click on the newly created hosted zone for your domain
  • We are going to add an A record to forward requests to the CloudFront distribution when people type in your domain.
  • Click on create a record (orange button)
  • For record value, click on the “Alias” toggle button and choose “Alias to Cloudfront Distribution”
  • Paste the CloudFront domain name that was created during CloudFront distribution step.
  • Click on “Create records”

Get an SSL Certificate for your Domain using AWS Certificate Manager

Why do you need an ssl certificate?
- “Without SSL, your site visitors and customers are at higher risk of being having their data stolen. Your site security is also at risk without encryption. It builds a secure environment for both visitors and site owners” —
  • Please head to AWS Certificate Manager. Make sure to be in the us-east-1 (Northern Virginia) for it to be accepted by CloudFront.
  • Click on get started “Provision Certificates”
  • Make sure “Request a public certificate” is highlighted, click on the “Request a certificate”
  • Add the domain name
  • Click Next
  • Choose DNS validation, selecting this will validate the certificate automatically
  • Click on Next
  • Click on Review
  • Click on Confirm and Request
  • Click on “Create a record in Route53”
  • Validating the domain should be completed within seconds if not a couple of minutes right after you create the record.

We are going to head back to Cloudfront distribution for one last configuration change

  • Highlight the distribution you recently created and click on “Distributed Settings”
  • Click on Edit
  • Alternate Domain Names (CNAMES) — type in your domain name. Example “”
  • SSL Certificate: Click on “Custom SSL Certificate” and pick the certificate you created in the us-east-1 (n Virginia) for the same domain (You will get a drop-down)


  • We created a CloudFront distribution to serve your website in multiple edge locations globally for low latency
  • We used Route 53 to buy a domain, created a hosted zone and set up DNS records
  • We used AWS Certificate manager to request an SSL certificate to help encrypt your connection between client and host.

Next steps:

  • Make your Personal website stand out by adding the following — resume, blogs, pictures, awards, personal projects you worked on, links to your Github, Linkedin, or any other social media.

Bonus Project:

  • Try to implement a CI/CD solution to modify your website code in a repository and have it deployed to S3 automatically after you push to the main branch.

