Living in the Land of Wishful Thinking

Just because we find something on the internet doesn’t make it true. The time to be most on our guard is when we WANT it to be true

James Bellerjeau
Said Differently


Mural showing rows of closed windows with one large opening showing yellow light shining through
Does that view open out onto a beach? Sure | Photo © James Bellerjeau

We are at the greatest risk of being fooled when we hear or read something we want to believe. Critical thinking goes out the window, and we lose all the healthy skepticism we otherwise call upon to navigate today’s fake news jungle.

We must assume authors do it intentionally to get clicks (or worse). How else to explain the headlines and blurbs of articles I’ve seen online recently?

Here are some examples of what I’m talking about. Note, I give no links because although I am illustrating the point, I do not want to single out any particular author or publication. You can assume these pieces are NOT on Medium, though:

Some entries from the land of wishful thinking | Table by Author



James Bellerjeau
Said Differently

Mechanic of the human soul. I channel Seneca and Machiavelli at unpredictable intervals