10 places you have to see in Rhodes, Greece

Andrea N. Csoka
Sail Into The Blue
Published in
3 min readSep 10, 2016

1. Rhodes — Old Town or Medieval Town

There are two main parts of Rhodes: Old Town (Medieval Town) and New Town (Rhodes City). The Castle in the old town well worth a visit but there is a small fee if you wish to go inside. (6 euro per person) Alternatively you can just walk around the castle or have a meal in of the beautiful garden restaurants

2. Rhodes City or New Town

This part of the town is quite modern, with many designer shops, high star rated restaurants and bars. Which makes it the ideal place to do some shopping and escape from the heat into one of the air-conditioned shops; like Sephora, Boss, Armani, Versace and they even have a Marks&Spencer.

3. Mandraki Harbor

The famous Colossus of Rhodes stood here, until it was destroyed by an earthquake about 2000 years ago. They planning on rebuild this enormous statue even bigger, but until then, The Fort of Saint Nicholas guards the Mandraki harbour. ( shown on the photo)

4. Lindos

One of the most beautiful cities on the Island of Rhodes. With places to see like the Lindos Ice bar, Roof Garden Restaurants, many small shops filled with hand-made goods by the locals, 4 beaches and 2 large bays — a great holiday is guaranteed.

5. St Pauls Bay

This crystal clear bay located just below the Acropolis, in Lindos. The bay has two beaches on the two sides and a lovely Chapel. The possibilities are countless: rent a boat or book a cruise, learn how to dive or swim across the bay (only if you are an experienced swimmer. I did it but at the deepest parts it was quite scary as I could not see whats underneath me anymore — only the endless darkness. )

The even braver ones can dive from the rocks into the sea as the clear but deep water makes it safe. I guess. But please don’t try it if you haven’t done it before. A group of young lads had great fun doing it but for me, it was horrifying to watch.

6. Church of Panagia

The Byzantine Church of Panagia located in Lindos and originally was built in 1300 but since it has been renovated a couple of times. It’s on your way to the Acropolis so make sure you stop here.

7. Acropolis

An ancient citadel located above Lindos. You can either climb up to the Acropolis or ride a donkey, but personally I think it’s quite cruel. The walk itself not too hard, and it’s only 20–30 minutes (depending on where you start.)

8. Kolymbia

Kolymbia is a town in Rhodes. It has 3 beautiful beaches: Kolymbieni Beach, Nisaki Beach and Limanaki Beach (next slide).
The “city centre” is Eucaliptus street, where surpisingly you can find plenty of eucalyptus trees. But not just that, nice restaurants, bars and shops as well ( they mainly sell fake branded goods like fake Ray Bans or fake Adidas bags etc. )

9. Limanaki Beach, Kolymbia

3 in 1. Beach, Harbour, Bay. Oh and a pretty Chapel. What else do you need

10. Tsambika

The Tsambika Beach itself is not better than the ones in Kolymbia, but the view from the Tsambika Mountain is spectacular. The Monastery of Tsambika also to be found here. Now, we did climbed the mountain but apparently from the wrong side so there was no track or path or whatsoever, we got lost so we didn’t visit the monastery. Our only goal was to find a way down from the mountain as it was boiling hot and we did not have any water. The legend has if any women has a problem conceiving, have to climb the mountain barefoot, pray for a baby and then if she blessed with a child, name them Tsambikos if it’s a boy, and Tsampika if it’s a girl. But according our local taxi driver this is the tourist version, the original version says that if a couple trying to have a baby, they should climb up there, pray and promise that they will raise the child in the right way and get married they shall be blessed with a child.



Andrea N. Csoka
Sail Into The Blue
Editor for

Just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary God by her side sailing into the blue and walking on waters.