6 easy steps for a clutter-free wardrobe

Step 1 — Grade your clothes

Andrea N. Csoka
Sail Into The Blue
4 min readSep 4, 2016


Remove ALL your clothes from your wardrobe and start to “grade” them according to they condition, sentimental value and if they are a good fit.

Create five groups :


When in doubt just answer these questions:

Is the item badly stained or in a bad condition? — If yes, throw it away.

Have you worn it in the past year?- If the answer is no, donate or sell it.

Does it have any sentimental value for you? — If yes put it in storage.

Is the item in season? ( For example you don’t need your warmest winter coat in the middle of August.. ) — Put it away in storage.

Do you feel confident in it?Does it fit? — We all have that one piece in our wardrobe from last year with the price tag still on, which is just sitting in the closet hoping that somehow we will feel less guilty about buying it. I know basically its still new and sooo pretty but believe me, you better off just selling or donating it (or return if it’s not too late) rather than feel guilty every time you look at it.

Step 2 — Organise your wardrobe

Our wardrobe before

And after

I used a hanging storage organizer to create more space — this one is from IKEA.

Hang your clothes from darkest to lightest — that way it’s easy to find the piece you are looking for

Save even more space with these handy hanger holders

Step 3 — Organise your chest of drawers

Our chest or drawers before — It was impossible to find anything here

Dividers from IKEA

Great way to organise underwear

And other pieces like hats, scarfs and gloves

Step 4 — Organise your jewellery


Hanging jewellery organiser

The small pockets are ideal for earrings

I bought this hanging jewellery organizer from a pound shop but it’s easy to make your own from an old shirt ( preferably from denim or from any other sturdy material.)

Step 5 Get a Valet Stand

It might be a bit old fashioned, but I can’t imagine not having one in our bedroom, and it’s looks so much better than just throwing you clothes on a chair or ottoman.

It’s a good idea to keep the clothes — that you already worn but still clean — separately from the other clothes in the closet. So that way your wardrobe won’t smell.

Valet Stand from IKEA

The mess before

Step 6 — Organise Hair Accecories





Andrea N. Csoka
Sail Into The Blue
Editor for

Just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary God by her side sailing into the blue and walking on waters.