Welcome to the SailPoint Tech Blog!

Asanka Jayasuriya
SailPoint Engineering Blog
3 min readOct 6, 2020

I’m excited to announce the launch of the SailPoint Tech Blog on Medium! The launch of our Medium blog brings us a fresh new coat of paint, but it is so much more than that.

While blogging was something we were doing long before I joined the team, I realized that we could do a lot more. The major thing that led me to this realization was that despite SailPoint being one of the most successful homegrown tech companies in Austin, I had no idea about the types of problems we were solving here until I talked to the team about the CTO role. I had assumed (completely incorrectly!) that SailPoint wasn’t a cloud technology company and probably not a good fit for someone like me who has spent almost their entire career working in the cloud. As I started talking to the executive team and engineering leadership about the role, I realized how horribly wrong my initial assumptions were. While SailPoint IdentityIQ continues to innovate and be the market-leading on-premises governance solution, the SailPoint Predictive Identity SaaS platform brings that same market-leading governance to the cloud.

During my interview process, I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time asking questions about how the cloud products were built, and the answers got me really excited about joining the team. What I learned was that this team was on the cutting edge of building applications in the cloud. A summary of the things that got the engineer in me (there is still one in there somewhere ) excited:

  • a microservices-based architecture along with the required investments in observability and manageability that are so essential to the success of microservices
  • constantly improving service frameworks that make it easy for developers to focus on the business problem — not plumbing
  • event-driven service frameworks based on Kafka
  • a full containerized deployment with ECS and Kubernetes
  • automated CI/CD constantly pushing new features to our customers
  • a relentless focus on reliability, scalability and cost management
  • a data science team constantly researching new ways to improve our products with AI/ML

This is just a small sample of some of the tech we’re using every day. I’ve reached my buzzword quota for today, but I think you get the point. Also, don’t get me wrong… it’s not all roses over here . We have our share of tech debt* to work through, but we are working through it. We also have room to continue to innovate in how we build, for example, and our Northstar goal is to stand up a new service all the way to production in minutes. Over the coming weeks and months, I’m excited for our team to share: how we are innovating, our successes and, just as importantly, our failures.

Our engineering team has been committed to innovation since day one, and our cloud products have continued that tradition. In fact, innovation is one of our core values, and the values-driven nature of our engineering team will also be a source of topics for this blog. As excited as I am to share the technical journey that our team is on, I’m equally excited to share the type of team we are and what it means to be an engineer at SailPoint. And while we are on the subject, I want you to know what it means to be an engineer on our team because we are hiring !

Check out the blog to see what our engineering team is working on, and hit the follow button to get updates on all the latest innovations happening in the SailPoint labs from the people behind the product.

*I used the term tech debt here as a catch-all — but I generally hate the term for reasons best described here: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/technical-debt-killing-you-reason-think-brad-porter/.

