Chanakya In Daily Life Book Review

Saimadhu Polamuri
Published in
5 min readDec 3, 2019
Chanakya In Daily Life Book Review By Saimadhu Polamuri

We all born only once unless we are in fantasy movies where, in the first 75 minutes, you will give enough reasons for the villain to pump up his evil actions to kill you, and the next 75 minutes, you will take revenge by ruthlessly killing the villain.

Hypothetically both born and life are one on one mapping, but from the very beginning of born to till the end of born, which is death, we all live different lives.

Happy writer, avid reader, good dad, bad friend, crazy guy, responsible brother, funny colleague, stupid lover, decent coder, curious traveler … etc.

All the above lives are part of three stages of life.

  1. Personal Life
  2. Professional Life
  3. Family Life

Living properly in all these stages is vital for victorious death in a satisfying way, but people miss judge success by focussing only on one stage of life by not living in all these stages.

A busy, successful business person with no time to have dinner with his family members, professionally successful people end up not having any friends to share his happiness or success. A lovely family person not having enough money to purchase the products the family needs.

So it is crucial to be decently successful in all these stages of life rather than getting massive success in one particular entity of life.

The key thing to being successful in all these lives is to proper balance with proper swap in and swap out between these lives.

In the book Chanakya in daily life, the author Radhakrishnan Pillai explains the road map to lead different stages of life with a happy note.

[Author introduction]

Radhakrishnan Pillai is one of the best corporate authors who share the Chanakya’s wisdom in a pleasant and simplified way. If you are someone who is more curies of the Chanakya neeti findings, It’s worth to read Radhakrishnan Pillai books. Some of his best books are listed below.

  1. Corporate Chanakya
  2. Chanakya in You
  3. Chanakya’s 7 Secrets of Leadership
  4. Chanakya in Daily Life
  5. Corporate Chanakya on Management

My favorite book is Chanakya in you :)

[About the Book]

Overview: The key intention of the book is to learn how to share the time you have in all the three stages of life in a more meaningful way.

Rating: 3.5 (Out of 5)

Review: The book gives more insights into personal life chapter, compared with the other two chapters, which are professional life and family life. If you are expecting insights from all the chapters, at the end off the book with an unsatisfied feeling.

[ Notes& Highlights ]

  1. You are not a human being on a spiritual journey. You are spiritual being on a human journey.
  2. No problem is a problem for a person who thinks with clarity and purpose.
  3. You have to keep instructing your mind until it listens.
  4. The best make-up on your face is a smile.
  5. Life would be incomplete without music.
  6. Silence is the most excellent music.
  7. The ability to think is god’s greatest gift to humans.
  8. Worrying is like a rocking chair; it moves but does not go ahead. There is action but no progress.
  9. Plan out your work and work out your plan.
  10. If one does not have a healthy body and mind, no amount of riches will bring one happiness.
  11. A healthy person thinks better.
  12. There is no greater force in this world than human will, coupled with faith.
  13. Having too many opportunities has become a problem rather than a solution.
  14. When things are going completely wrong, and one does not know what to do, one must find a way to keep clam.
  15. A person who does whatever pleases his mind does not achieve anything.
  16. Life without a hobby is dull and boring whenever you feel down and low; you will always have your hobby to go back to.
  17. Each of us has a unique talent or god-given gift through which we can become rich. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t able to identify that uniqueness in ourselves.
  18. The good days may not last forever.
  19. You cannot afford to underestimate yourself.
  20. Sometimes we are not sure about what to do and what not to do, but running away was not the solution.
  21. It takes time to create a big amount of wealth through the right methods. But it is worth the effort.
  22. The longest route to success is a shortcut.
  23. Wealth should be like a breeze; it should come from one window and go out from another.
  24. If you continuously keep cutting the tree, when will you sharpen the saw?
  25. No matter how fast you run, the direction will always be more important than speed.
  26. We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it.
  27. Success comes due to three factors, hard work, teamwork, god’s grace.
  28. The people who follow your steps should feel proud that they are following a legend.
  29. The right decision at the right time can change our destiny forever.
  30. The secret of success is taking the right decisions, to take the right decisions you need to take wrong decisions first.
  31. Reading builds the character of a man. Writing completes it.
  32. It is always better to under-promise and over-deliver.
  33. The more we sweat during peacetime, the less we bleed during wartime.
  34. When you are traveling, you’ll have so many stories to share. You will come back more productive and happier.
  35. If you continue doing what you are doing, you will continue getting what you are getting. So stagnation is the enemy. You must keep evolving.
  36. You are a reflection of the people you choose to surround yourself with.
  37. Daily, think of death for a few minutes. Now, this may seem strange and sometimes frightening too. But this will give you a different perspective on life itself. It will be difficult in the beginning, but it will provide you with the confidence to accept death as part of life.
  38. The more one spends time with a new person, the more you understand him or her better.
  39. Good times show you who your friends are. Bad times reveal who your real friends are.
  40. The way someone treats others says a lot about their character.
  41. For the first five years, love your child unconditionally for the next ten years, discipline him. From the sixteenth year onwards, treat him as a friend.
  42. After all, whatever you give to a woman, she will only multiply and give it back to you.
  43. Do not take any decision in anger. Sometimes the best decision is not to take a decision. Allow some time to pass before you respond to the situation.
  44. Give a man a fish; he will eat for one time. Teach him how to fish; he will eat for the rest of his life.

