An insight into tried and tested pointers for professional networking

Sainoo magazine
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2019

Are you tired of searching for your dream job? There might be barely any source or platform which you have left untouched in your quest for a job, and still, there’s no sign of any potential companies where you can showcase your skills and qualifications. So, what might be the problem?

On the contrary, it is advisable to look at the possible solutions that can be tried out for resolving the problem. You might have one problem here - No Job! However, there are many solutions among which the foremost is professional networking, and it has been proven to be one of the most crucial and effective activities in job searching.

Why is networking important today?

Now, the first course of action in this discussion would be to identify the importance of networking before proceeding towards helpful pointers that can help in getting it right! You should keep in mind that there are a lot more jobs in your locality as well as all over the world other than the ones you find on classified ads or online job boards and job search platforms.

So, why can’t you find these jobs? The answer is simple- They are not advertised! Now, if you ask that why these jobs are not advertised, there could be a bevvy of reasons ranging from the lack of financial resources of a company that is in its budding stage to the requirement of internal recruitment in an organization.

This is where networking can help you round up on promising career opportunities without having to sweat for a job. With a career network or a network of contacts, you can easily find job leads, related information, and support that can not only improve your job search process but also provide you much-needed credibility in the market.

Understanding the better approaches to networking

Networking may appear to be too complicated for many of you when it comes to the professional side, isn’t it? However, there is practically no difference between making new friends on Facebook or following someone on Twitter and engaging with professional contacts in your career network!

The only difference you would find is ‘professionalism’- After all, you could not ‘poke’ your potential employer just like you do with your Facebook friends. Rest assured, it’s all the same! Now, we need to get right to point and discuss the pointers which can assist you in developing your professional network and secure promising opportunities for your career.

Be Prepared!

The key to success always lies in preparation, and there’s no denying it! The same goes for professional networking too. You need to be prepared to engage with another professional whenever the chance arises, and this has to be supported by appropriate tools in your kitty.

For example, a resume can be quite generic for describing yourself to a potential employer while an elevator pitch of 20 to 30 seconds about your self can do wonders. Personal business cards could also be a valuable tool for helping other professionals to remember you. Another recommendation to prepare for networking is updating your social media and professional profiles frequently.

Professional organizations help a lot!

Professional organizations such as industry associations are a great place to interact with other professionals in your career field. These organizations offer the opportunity to meet many people who share the same interests and professional aims as you at social events, conferences, and meetings. Joining a professional organization gives you the additional benefit of access to membership directories where you can find many new members for your professional network.

Social media- The most important weapon in your arsenal!

Social media platforms not only offer you a chance to communicate with your friends and family but also open avenues for reaching out to potential employers and professional networks. One of the best platforms which come to mind in this context is LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the recommended starting point for all job seekers and can be used to search jobs according to different factors such as job title, company name or the remuneration. However, you have to be cautious in the use of social media for professional networking because your image on these platforms matters a lot to potential employers in considering you as an addition to their workforce.

Professional networking does seem easy now, doesn’t it? Try out new practices in networking and stay updated with the latest trends in job searching to land up with the job you like!

