I don’t just craft the words. I come up with ideas and solve problems.


I’m Scarlett Ruston, Content Designer.

My job is to design digital products and services with a focus on the words and information that live in them. That means working with people right across the business, from the in-house legal team to the folks who work on branding.

On a typical day, I might spend a couple of hours working with a designer to go through a new design; help draft guidance for our design system; test my copy with users; or share my work at one of our design crits.

I started at Sainsbury’s just over a year ago. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to work on a real variety of projects. One that stands out is Nectar Prices. This was a huge piece of work that involved teams from across the business coming together to deliver better value for our customers.

Image showing a time line of sketched concepts for Nectar for Everyone

I was involved from the very beginning. Part of a team that collaborated with stakeholders on the proposition. Helping to define and illustrate the initial vision. Since then, we’ve worked with different teams to craft the experience in-store, online, in contact centres, and through our colleagues.

Screenshot of a design canvas showing various mobile screens.

I was responsible for creating, testing and reviewing content at all stages of the customer journey. Working across platforms and brands to deliver clear and consistent content. From establishing a bank of key messages to deciding on the words that live on our product cards. Helping to make sure customers could easily understand what Nectar Prices are, how to get them, and how much they’ll pay and save when they do.

Screenshot of designs for mobile screens involving Nectar Prices.

It’s the part of my job that I really love. I don’t just craft the words. Instead, I get stuck in, working with specialists in design, research, and accessibility, I come up with ideas and solve problems. So I’m not just developing in one direction. I’m broadening my knowledge and becoming a more well-rounded designer.

None of this would be possible without my talented and hardworking colleagues. Sainsbury’s does a great job of encouraging an open and collaborative atmosphere. The Customer Experience team is full of lovely people who want to get it right for the customer. It feels like we’re all working towards the same goal, creating a great customer experience.

And I think that’s what it always comes down to. Delivering for the customer. So long as we’re asking ourselves what impact our work is going to have, we won’t go too far wrong.

