Bull case for the Travel Industry and the long-term opportunities

Chia Jeng Yang
Saison Thinking
Published in
8 min readNov 19, 2020


We are still trapped at home, but the pent-up demand behind domestic holidays/staycations, the establishment of travel bubbles and travel corridors reflect a long-term future where we return to the world of travel. COVID-19 vaccine optimism is also starting to flow in at a startling pace.

The travel industry has been crippled, but we see signs that it is beginning to start to roar back under safe and altered travel guidelines.

As VCs, we take long-term views and make long-term conviction bets, and are excited about the future of this trillion dollar market, looking into the different business models and trends that have underpinned the travel industry long before COVID.

Travel R.I.P. — Long Live Travel.

2020 has heavily impacted the booming travel industry. COVID-19’s worldwide spread and subsequent global travel bans have brought international tourism to a halt. Before 2020, travel was growing rapidly: the industry’s contribution to the global economy has been rising consistently for more than a decade, with its growth rate outpacing global GDP growth from 2010 to 2019.

Even in the midst of the pandemic, there are signs that the fundamental demands for travel is here to stay:

