AMA Recap with Akiverse: A Deep Dive into Token Strategy and Game Development

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2 min readNov 27, 2023
AMA at 9th Nov 2023 Akiverse × Sakaba

Recently, Sakaba had the pleasure of hosting an enlightening AMA with Ikuma Ueno, co-founder and CFO of Akiverse, a prominent game platform in the Web3 space. Our co-founder, Moriki Kamio, explored various aspects of Akiverse, including their innovative token strategy, game development progress, and their plans for listing and future strategies.

Key Insights from Akiverse

Token Strategy and Listing

  • Ikuma highlighted the importance of understanding token economics and the focus on creating a stable growth graph for their tokens.
  • Akiverse plans to list their governance tokens on both centralized and decentralized exchanges, prioritizing strategic partnerships. And to avoid market saturation, they focus on listing on only

Game Development and Market Strategy

  • Despite challenges in the crypto winter, Akiverse has persevered, downsizing their team and concentrating on product development, now ready for launch.
  • They have a unique approach to game releases, planning to release one casual game every two weeks to maintain user engagement and token value.

Global Community Engagement

  • Akiverse’s strategy is inclusive, focusing on hassle-free access with just an email address, making it accessible even to those without bank accounts or crypto knowledge.
  • They are forming communities not only in Japan and Asia but also in emerging markets like Africa, particularly Nigeria.

User-Generated Content (UGC) and Hyper-Casual Games

  • A key aspect of Akiverse is its focus on UGC, encouraging creators to develop games for their platform and rewarding them with tokens and incentives.
  • Their hyper-casual gaming approach caters to diverse user preferences and ensures sustained engagement.


The AMA was a deep dive into Akiverse’s comprehensive strategies in token economics, game development, and community building. Their approach to blending gaming with tokenized incentives and their commitment to global accessibility stands out as a blueprint for success in the Web3 gaming world.

This summary encapsulates the main points discussed in the AMA, presenting a clear and engaging overview for the Web3 gaming community following Sakaba.

About Sakaba
Sakaba is a leading loyalty network for Web3 games, creating immersive in-game loyalty programs and a vibrant, gamer-centric community for a new gaming experience. It will roll out features such as subscription NFTs that can offer membership and enhanced in-game experiences, an NFT Launchpad where Web3 game items and avatars circulate, and shop features and a marketplace stocked with a wealth of game items.

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