Published in
7 min readJun 5, 2023

Here’s the AMA Recap with METAPIXEL team last Friday. Please check it out the following Q&A!

1. Is there a chance that your project will become the second WOW in the world of MMORPGs, or the same Perfect World for the Chinese market, and what emotions will the players get in this case, besides the pluses of web3?


In our previous articles and AMAs within our community, we’ve communicated our intent to deliver exciting, high-quality games to players. Our current project, Gran Saga: Unlimited, is a testament to this commitment. We aim to showcase how web3 technology can truly enhance the gaming experience and foster a greater sense of openness.

Our ambition is to establish ourselves as a leading MMORPG, appealing to fans of the genre, like those of WoW or FF14. Within the world of GSU, we hope our players can immerse themselves in the gaming community, encountering other players and overcoming challenges to create memorable moments. I believe that if we can encourage our players to forge their own narratives or dramas during gameplay, it would make our work as game developers truly rewarding.

2. You have selected Aptos as your primary blockchain to run the game. It’s convenient to make games crosschain now, do you plan to do it in the future. If yes which 3 blockchains would you choose for it ?


Answering this question is currently challenging because, in my personal opinion, adopting a multi-chain or cross-chain approach doesn’t necessarily make the web3 space more accessible to regular gamers. Previous gaming projects have attempted to accommodate various chains, presumably under the impression that such a strategy could attract more gamers from different chains.

However, we must consider the flip side. Supporting two different chains, for example, would require guiding regular players to understand the disparities between two distinct standards, technologies, and even wallets. Consequently, our team believes that it’s crucial for us to select a suitable chain on which to deploy our game and demonstrate our vision for web3. This rationale led us to choose Aptos due to the technical considerations involved and our shared vision to promote adoption.

That being said, we can’t predict with certainty which chain will become dominant, either in the near future or over the next 3–5 years. We remain open to pivoting if necessary, but our primary focus is on showcasing an improved gaming experience through the use of web3 technology. We intend to concentrate on eliminating current obstacles arising from this technology and validating our vision as a gaming company.

Thank you for your question. I realize that this response might not directly address your query’s intent, but I wanted to convey our fundamental ideas and focus concerning Layer 1.

3. Are there any future plans to expand the Gran Saga universe beyond gaming? For example, through partnerships, merchandise, or other forms of media?


Yes, I’m eager to see this IP expand its boundaries. However, our team is currently prioritizing the game to extend our reach to gamers across the globe. Our focus is on delivering a fun experience, as we’re in a stage where we want to demonstrate that it’s possible to create an enhanced gaming experience using web3 technology. That said, we’re open to further discussions with other partners on how we could broaden the scope of this franchise.

4. How does Metapixel view the broader potential of web3 technologies beyond gaming? Do you have any long-term visions or aspirations for utilizing blockchain in other sectors or industries?


That’s an interesting topic. As a gaming company, we’re interested in the application of blockchain in our games, as well as using it as a tool to facilitate the expansion of our platform through the community itself.

I’m aware that there are many innovative ideas emerging about how to utilize this technology to improve the world. I personally agree with that perspective. The technology alone doesn’t guarantee widespread usage; the benefits it offers must be clear. Therefore, it’s crucial to deliver actual service layers that encourage people to use the technology, while maintaining the familiar user experiences that most people are comfortable with.

Our current vision is to provide an enhanced gaming experience by combining entertainment with technology, and we are focused on bringing the masses into this sector.

5. How does the inclusion of blockchain technology impact the game’s security and anti-cheat measures? Are there any specific mechanisms in place to ensure fair gameplay and prevent cheating or hacking?


The transparency provided by blockchain technology can also serve as a measure to prevent cheating and hacking. Given that the in-game economy and circulating items are openly revealed to the community, this could be another benefit.

Moreover, even in the event of a security breach, we can utilize proof-of-play algorithms to check the actual data recorded on the ledger and verify the results. While there are various ways to improve security and anti-cheating measures, blockchain technology isn’t a magic solution. Therefore, we will continuously work on developing logical strategies to enhance these areas

6. In terms of governance and decision-making, how does Metapixel involve the player community in shaping the future development of Gran Saga: Unlimited? Are there mechanisms for players to propose and vote on new features or changes to the game?


We plan to incorporate some governance features using SBT to track and record activities on the METAPIXEL platform. However, the governance features of the games and the platform will be distinct.

For instance, players in GSU can play to become system agents, a role that carries certain governance rights within the game world. Players will have the opportunity to experience the basic narratives of this concept when they start the game.

The underlying intention is to give more rights to core, active players who contribute to the expansion of our game and platform. We do this by checking the recorded data of the player’s activities on-chain.

7. How many servers will be supported?


For the 2nd Community Test, there will be one realm, which is equivalent to one server. We are conducting these testing rounds to gauge server capacity and optimize specific information before the official release. I cannot confirm the number of servers that will be operational at launch as of now, but we will release more information as we progress through our phases.

8. What are the differences between other MMORPGs and Web3 games?


This is indeed a broad topic, and I’ll offer my perspective. Web3 is seen as the zeitgeist, presenting greater potential and openness in terms of service development and operation. We distinguish between games with the term ‘game’, and ‘web3 games’. Personally, I believe that as time passes, the terms ‘web3 game’ or ‘blockchain game’ may become obsolete, as all games will simply be games.

Our team felt that MMORPGs were a good fit for incorporating blockchain features into our game development, which led to the creation of GSU. We strive to bring more transparency to the gaming economy through the use of proof-of-play algorithms, and to test out additional blockchain features that could benefit the community. More details will be forthcoming in the list of contents and in articles discussing ideas related to GSU and upcoming games. So, please keep an eye on METAPIXEL.

9. Is there an estimated time of final launch? If there are not enough 8000 people in the 2nd test, will there be some additional selection of players who want to participate in the test?


Yes, we are aiming for a global release early next year, provided we do not encounter any critical issues during our testing phases. We’ve fortunately received applications from people around the world, including our community members, exceeding our expected number. As such, we will be conducting a draw to select our testers.

As previously mentioned, if there is more capacity than anticipated, especially in terms of server loads, we may initiate campaigns to permit more access within our community and partners. Therefore, please apply through and stay updated by following our social media platforms and Discord channel!

10. As MMORPGs become more popular, I think the server will get heavier as more and more people join. Are you thinking about reducing the load?


This question is closely related to the previous one about the number of servers that will be operational in the future. The answer is yes, we do plan to do this. However, we need to gather actual data from each test to balance out the actual loads before launch. Our tech teams are continuously making preparations and optimizations after each testing period.

11. Can it be done on a mobile device?


Unfortunately, GSU will only support Windows PC. This is due to the fact that we are designing our game mechanisms specifically for play on PC platforms. While there may be some possibility of expanding to MAC OS in the future, our primary focus will largely remain on PC devices.

12. I understand that you will not issue your own token. Is it correct to understand that the in-game currency will be used for purchasing items (NFTs?) in the game and will not be a direct Earn element? Conversely, is it correct to understand that items (NFTs) acquired can be traded in APT or other virtual currencies (Earn elements) on a platform where NFTs can be bought and sold (or on your own platform)?


Yes, we currently do not have any plans to issue the METAPIXEL token. Instead, we’re using $APT as the native payment token in our associated games. I will specifically address what you’ve brought up in this question. Since power-related items are acquired through the content within the game, our aim is to encourage players to use item trading as one of the methods to earn $APT. This approach is based on supply and demand principles.

These NFT-based items can be traded on various marketplaces. However, we’re also striving to provide a marketplace feature on our own platform, serving as an aggregator. This is designed to help users easily find liquidity in the market.

