Sakaba Game Report: Diving into the Charm of Battle of Three Kingdoms

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10 min readOct 12, 2023

With the conclusion of the TOKYO GAME SHOW 2023 (TGS2023) held from September 21st to 24th at Makuhari Messe, details about “Battle of Three Kingdoms” have gradually emerged. From my perspective as a card game enthusiast, I will delve into the intriguing aspects and points of interest of Battle of Three Kingdoms in this article.

Please note that while I have based my writing on information from TGS2023 videos and official pages, some parts are also based on a combination of various information, including some speculation.

<About the Author>
I am @hametaro_bcg, in charge of Sakaba Research. Since encountering Web3 games in 2019, I’ve been joyfully playing games every day, fascinated by the unique experiences made possible by blockchain and NFTs.

Table of Contents

  • Understanding the Game System
    - Flow of the Battle
    - What are Busho(warlords) cards?
    - What areGunshi(Strategists) cards?
    - What are Yuugun cards?
    - Battle Rules
  • The Allure of Battle of Three Kingdoms
  • Concerns about Battle of Three Kingdoms
  • Conclusion

Understanding the Game System

I have reviewed the game system of Battle of Three Kingdoms, as revealed through TGS2023.

- Flow of the Battle

The battle rules of Battle of Three Kingdoms are decided randomly for each match. Players must construct a deck suitable for that battle within a limited time.

<Deck Building Step 1> Choose a Gunshi(strategists) card

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

The formation (placement of Busho(warlords) Cards) changes according to the Gunshi(Strategist) Card. Depending on the Gunshi(Strategist), there might be more placements in the front row or more towards the back row. Utilizing the “Formation Effects” triggered by the Gunshi(Strategist) card and adopting suitable Busho(warlords) cards might be the key to victory.

<Deck Building Step 2> Place the Busho(warlords) cards

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

You can set Busho(warlords) card of the same dynasty as the Gunshi(Strategist) card. For instance, if the Gunshi card(Strategist) belongs to Wei, then you can use Busho(warlords) cards from Wei. Han, Jin, and Gun Busho(warlords) cards can be used regardless of which dynasty’s Gunshi card(Strategist) you choose. Typically, you might place tanks in the front row, melee or ranged attackers in the second and third rows, and long-ranged, tactical, or support characters in the back rows.

<Deck Building Step 3> Select the Yuugun cards

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

During battle, as you attack or defeat enemies, or as rounds progress, a gauge fills up. When this gauge is full during battle, you can activate Yuugun Cards.

<Battle Start>

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

The battle progresses automatically, and Busho(warlords) card whose troops reach 0 will retreat. Given that critical hits and evasions exist, the course of the battle remains unpredictable, providing a thrilling viewing experience!

The battle can be skipped or fast-forwarded, so if you’re short on time, you can skip ahead and review the battle details when you have some free moments.

- What are Busho(warlords) cards?

Let’s see the cards.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Busho card(warlords) have associated costs. Deck construction must adhere to the battle rules, which specify a maximum cost. This means that simply collecting powerful cards is not the only strategy. For example, if the rule is to build a deck under 20 cost, and you choose a Gunshi(Strategist) card of 7 cost, you’re left with 13. You then have to choose 1–6 Busho(warlords) cards under 13 cost and one roaming army card. Having several 1–2 cost cards might increase your damage output, making it easier to win.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Busho(warlords) have four battle types (Melee, Ranged, Tactic, and Support).

Each type has its unique characteristics and optimal placement on the field:

  • Melee: Best in the front row, reduces fence.
  • Ranged: Can attack from the second row onwards (possibly can’t attack from the front row?), targets fence.
  • Tactic: Bypasses fence to reduce troops.
  • Support: High supporting capabilities but cannot attack.
Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

While the specifics of STR (Strength) and INT (Intelligence) are unclear, it’s presumed that Melee & Ranged types refer to STR for damage, while Tactic types refer to INT. A higher AGI (Agility) means faster action, allowing for preemptive attacks.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Busho(warlords) card with 0 troops will retreat. If there’s a fence, it takes damage first, making survival more likely.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Rarity levels include: Legendary, Epic, Rare, and Common.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program
Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Gunshi(Strategist) card can reduce damage from Tactic types, only take damage from fence even from Tactic attacks, provide strength buffs, heal, and inflict status abnormalities. Some skills even target the last-row Busho(warlords) or the second-row ones.

Higher stats and powerful skills mean a higher associated cost. However, in “Battle of Three Kingdoms”, the maximum cost varies each battle, so simply having powerful (high-cost) cards isn’t necessarily the best strategy.

- What are Gunshi(Strategist) cards?

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Gunshi(Strategist) cards have cost, rarity, skills, and formation effects. Unlike Busho(warlords) cards, they don’t have STR, INT, AGI, fence, or troops stats.

The following are some of the formation effects, and The Busho(warlords) card you select will depend on the Gunshi(Strategist) you employ.

  • Increased damage when Busho(warlords) attack consecutively.
  • 25% chance for Busho(warlords) from the second row onwards to attack again when they damage an enemy.
  • 20% chance to nullify received damage.

For instance, if you adopt the “Increased damage when Busho(warlords) attack consecutively” effect, you’ll benefit from having Busho(warlords) with similar AGI values.

The formation also changes based on the Gunshi(Strategist). More front-row slots might make your formation more offensive, while more back-row slots might favor a strategy focusing on Tactics-type Busho(warlords) or heavy front-row support.

- What are Yuugun cards?

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Yuugun skills, activated when the gauge fills up, seem to have the potential to change the course of battle. Choosing Yuugun cards adds another strategic layer.

For example, swapping the positions of the enemy’s frontmost and rearmost Busho(warlords) can be a significant disruption. If an enemy has set up a front-row shield strategy supported by back-row healers, this skill can shatter their plan. Another skill, reducing the health of all enemy melee types by 50%, would make players hesitant to rely too heavily on melee Busho(warlords).

- Battle Rules

The rules in “Battle of Three Kingdoms” change with every battle. Four variable elements ensure that collecting numerous cards gives a competitive edge and keeps the battles feeling fresh:

  • Maximum Cost
  • Rule
  • Field
  • Dynasty
Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Regarding the rules, all Busho(warlords) have the same health, or the order of action is reversed, or you can’t use close-range type Busho(warlords), or you can’t use odd-cost or legendary cards.

When the order of action is reversed, it’s disadvantageous to use Busho(warlords) with high AGI values. It’s not just about having the strongest cards.

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

On the field, you can get effects such as certain Busho(warlords) having increased stats. For cliffs, perhaps there’s a buff for long-range types?

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

You’ll need to build your deck from available factions. Just because you like Wei doesn’t mean you can battle properly if you only gather Wei’s Gunshi(Strategist) and Busho(warlords).

The Allure of Battle of Three Kingdoms

Now that we’ve mostly understood the game system, let’s consider the appeal of this game.

Beauty of the Cards

Licensed from the arcade game “Sangokushi Taisen”, each card is incredibly attractive.

Just looking at them is mesmerizing. Whether you want to collect cards of your favorite Gunshi(Strategist) and Busho(warlords) or ones that are practical in-game, it’s a tough choice.

Quick Gameplay

You can build a deck in a maximum of 3 minutes, and you can skip the actual battle. The benefits of a digital card game in auto-battle format. You can play anytime and anywhere, which is a huge plus.

Desire to Collect Various Cards

With the battle rules changing every time, having a wide variety of cards allows players to adapt to various rules. As you engage in battles, you may have realizations like, “With these battle rules, this particular Gunshi(Strategist) or Busho(warlords) placement is strong!” This can tempt you to acquire more cards after each battle.

There also seemed to be a design consideration where collecting more cards would lead to a higher level. It’s nice that the game doesn’t just end once you’ve gathered all the cards. If it were a game where players would want to sell duplicate cards, the card prices would likely drop unless the number of players increased. It would be beneficial to design the game in such a way that even if the player count doesn’t grow, the value of the cards rises as more people become engrossed in the game.

Glad if it’s USD-Based

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

Although the token design hasn’t been disclosed yet, it would be great if cards could be bought and sold based on USD like Skyweaver and Splinterlands. If the token value isn’t stable, the card prices will fluctuate.

Concerns about Battle of Three Kingdoms

There are some concerns and imaginations due to limited information.

Matching Time

Due to the real-time deck building game system, a consistent number of players is required at all times to achieve quick matchmaking. Especially with a system where card levels increase, disparities among players become apparent. To ensure that every player has an enjoyable experience, ranking divisions will likely be necessary. However, introducing rank divisions complicates the matchmaking process.

One of the game’s attractions is the ability to play anytime, anywhere, so there shouldn’t be restrictions on when battles can take place. It seems indispensable for the game developers to introduce bots from the outset to facilitate consistent gameplay experiences.

Detailed Status Numbers

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

The detailed stats of the Busho(warlords) may make deck-building in 3 minutes challenging.

I think it would be difficult to theoretically develop strategies and tactics, as we would only be aiming for a layout that takes advantage of the formation while taking into account the Busho(warlord) types. Of course, it would be interesting to build a deck based on the atmosphere. I can’t wait to play the game and see how precise the deck-building can be.

Complexity of Card balance Adjustments

Given the historical context of the Three Kingdoms and the unique personalities and images associated with each warlord, I believe it’s essential to adjust the status of each card accordingly. For instance, a general known for his close-combat prowess shouldn’t be portrayed as a long-range type, which would be disappointing. Adjusting card balance is already challenging, but doing so while staying true to each general’s character seems even more daunting.

Anticipating Future Card Categories

NFT-based games tend to favor early adopters, as rare and powerful cards from the past become difficult to obtain. If new players feel like they can’t compete with long-standing players owning these cards, the game loses its appeal.

Adopting the “format” system, common in games like Pokémon Card Game and Magic: The Gathering, might be a solution. By categorizing cards based on their release period, like α, β, etc., and creating formats where only the latest cards are playable, both new and veteran players can enjoy the game on equal terms. And I am wondering if you will adjust the cards for the NFT that is issued.

Making the Game Enjoyable for Everyone

A game system with ever-changing battle rules can be fun for those with a broad range of cards. However, it can be less enjoyable for those with a limited selection. For instance, if only the Wei faction’s cards are playable, players who’ve collected mainly Shu cards will be at a disadvantage.

Introducing non-tradeable starter cards to ensure basic deck construction or creating more lenient battle rules for beginners can help.

Moreover, it would be desirable to have a fair card pricing system, where, for instance, Common cards are available for less than $0.1.

Collaboration with NFTWars

Refer: TGS2023 BCG special program

It would be great if “Battle of Three Kingdoms” cards were usable in “NFTWars”, a turn-based card game that integrates various NFT projects. The idea of building a deck on-the-fly in Battle of Three Kingdoms or enjoying turn-by-turn strategies in NFTWars with a single card sounds very much in the spirit of Web3, and it would be a fantastic experience.

In conclusion

Did you get an understanding of the Battle of Three Kingdoms game system and its charm? Although I’m not particularly interested in the “Three Kingdoms” or history itself, I love the illustrations from “Sangokushi Taisen”. I can’t wait to collect the cards. I’m eagerly awaiting its release.

I hope to feature more about it once more details are available!

Game Overview




I have been enjoying Web3 games since 2019.