Collaboration with Maincard

Published in
4 min readMay 15, 2023

Today we are pleased to announce the collaboration with “Maincard”.
This collaboration will allow us to work with the core team at Maincard and contribute to the growth of the ecosystem.

Also, will create some quests on Sakaba so please check it out.

We will continue to get collaborations with game publishers and game guilds for our releases.
If you want to contact us, please send your message to our Twitter account or fill out the below form.


Maincard is an innovative platform that brings together the world of fantasy sports and NFT gaming. The platform allows users to participate in fantasy sports leagues, compete against others, and win rewards in the form of NFTs. The team behind Maincard has combined their expertise in gaming and sports to create a seamless experience that caters to both sports enthusiasts and gaming aficionados.


Maincard was founded in 2021 with the vision to revolutionize the world of fantasy sports by leveraging the power of blockchain technology. The team behind Maincard recognized that traditional fantasy sports platforms lacked innovation and struggled to keep up with changing trends in the gaming industry. With this in mind, they set out to create a platform that was not only technologically advanced but also offered a unique experience that combined the best of both worlds — fantasy sports and NFT gaming.


Maincard’s strength lies in its ability to cater to a broad range of users. Whether you are a seasoned fantasy sports player or a casual gamer, the platform offers a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. Additionally, the use of blockchain technology ensures that the platform is secure and transparent, providing users with a fair and trustworthy experience. The integration of NFTs as rewards also sets Maincard apart from other fantasy sports platforms, adding a new level of excitement and engagement for users.


The team behind Maincard is composed of experts from the worlds of gaming, sports, and blockchain technology. The team is dedicated to creating a platform that offers a seamless experience for users. The team’s collective expertise and passion for gaming and sports have been instrumental in the development of Maincard, ensuring that the platform meets the needs of users while also pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of fantasy sports and NFT gaming.


Maincard’s roadmap is focused on expanding its user base, adding new features, and continuing to innovate in the world of fantasy sports and NFT gaming. The platform’s immediate goals include the launch of its beta version, which is currently scheduled for Q3 of 2023. Additionally, the team is working on expanding the range of sports and leagues available on the platform, as well as integrating new NFTs and gaming mechanics. The long-term vision for Maincard is to become the go-to platform for fantasy sports enthusiasts and NFT gamers worldwide.

Overall, Maincard’s unique approach to fantasy sports and NFT gaming, coupled with its strong team and ambitious roadmap, make it an exciting platform to watch. With its beta launch fast approaching, Maincard is poised to make a splash in the world of gaming and sports. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting developments from the Maincard team!

Details of Maincard
Check out the links below for more info of Maincard

- Official Website:
- Twitter:
- Discord:
- Medium:

About SAKABA(酒場)

SAKABA is a next generation blockchain gaming hub. We will contribute to the development of the ecosystem of blockchain gaming industry through onboarding quest listing, increased liquidity for game users, cross-game DIDs, launchpads, marketplaces.

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