Sakaba Game Report: Diving into the World of CryptoSpells

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5 min readJun 6, 2023

Greetings, fellow adventurers! I’m @hametaro_bcg, your friendly neighborhood Sakaba researcher. Since first discovering Web3 games in 2019, I’ve been on a daily quest, reveling in the thrilling experiences enabled by blockchain and NFTs.

Today, we set sail into the enchanting realm of CryptoSpells, which is gearing up to celebrate its 4th anniversary this June 2023. I recall the palpable excitement back in 2020 when Web3 gaming was still an emerging phenomenon. CryptoSpells seized the moment, airing a TV commercial during a prominent TV show, featuring renowned YouTubers. The anticipation was unreal!

The first-ever TV commercial for the blockchain game “CryptoSpells”, starring popular Japanese YouTubers.

Join me as we unravel the magnetic allure of CryptoSpells.

Table of Contents

  1. Captivating Card Game Mechanics
  2. Limited-Edition Card Releases
  3. Trading Card Opportunities
  4. Unleash Your Own Custom Cards
  5. Developing Deep Connections with Your Cards
  6. A Welcoming Community

1. Captivating Card Game Mechanics

Contrary to common perceptions about Web3 games being merely ‘play-to-earn’ platforms, CryptoSpells stands out. It’s more than just a potential money-earner; it’s an engaging and complex card game that can captivate even the most ardent gamers. I’ve found myself immersed in it for up to 8 hours a day!

Dive into five civilizations (red/blue/green/white/black), each with its unique leaders. The game follows a turn-based system, where you select a Crypto Spell to battle against your opponent. Victory is attained by reducing the leader’s strength to zero or depleting your opponent’s deck.

Even if you’re new to card games, you’ll quickly grasp the rules and nuances after a few rounds.

2. Limited-Edition Card Releases

What makes CryptoSpells truly captivating isn’t merely its game mechanics, but the limited nature of its card issuance. There’s a thrill to owning a rare card that few others possess.

Quote: CryptoSpells

The rarity of cards varies from ‘Limited Legend’ with only 9 cards issued, down to ‘Bronze’ with unlimited issuance.

Quote: CryptoSpells

The sense of exclusivity and potential scarcity heightens the game’s appeal.

3. Trading Card Opportunities

CryptoSpells allows you to sell cards you no longer need, potentially turning them into profit. It’s a feature that greatly surpasses traditional games where monetary returns are typically non-existent.

Quote: CryptoSpells

Cards can be purchased during public sales or traded privately on “tofuNFT”, an NFT trading market, or “magi”, a flea market app for Trekkies. This opens up avenues for negotiation, bidding, and an overall immersive Web3 gaming experience.

4. Unleash Your Own Custom Cards

One unique feature of CryptoSpells is its allowance for players to issue their own custom cards! Create your cards using your illustrations or pictures, even adjust their status and abilities (within reasonable boundaries, of course).

Quote: CryptoSpells

CryptoSpells actualizes your dream: “I wish I could play using such cards.”

5. Developing Deep Connections with Your Cards

Beyond the custom card creation, CryptoSpells has a built-in system to foster a deep connection with your cards. This often leads to internal debates about whether to sell a card or keep it due to the sentimental value attached.

Quote: CryptoSpells

A card’s ‘premiumization’ turns its edges gold, adding to its charm. The more you play, the more experience you accumulate and level up. While your ability doesn’t increase, your ‘asset power’ does, unlocking features like AI battles. You can also inscribe flavor text onto the cards, making them more personalized.

From receiving a card inscribed with a birthday gift or a thank-you note, to simply appreciating your card’s design and abilities, CryptoSpells cultivates a relationship between players and their digital cards, making them seem less inorganic and more cherished.

6. A Welcoming Community

Since its launch, CryptoSpells has fostered a community that’s welcoming to newcomers. If you’re facing issues, you’ll find a helping hand and sound advice on gameplay strategies.

Player-organized tournaments are a frequent occurrence, with exciting live streams and growing offline meetups, creating a close-knit player base that feels more like a family.

While I’ve painted a rosy picture of CryptoSpells so far, it’s only fair that I highlight some of its challenges.

  • Occasional losses due to communication breakdowns.
  • The ‘play to earn’ aspect isn’t always straightforward.
  • Limited variety of cards.
  • Imbalance among civilizations.
  • Overpowered cards.
  • Small rewards (compared to other GameFi).

Despite these hurdles, the developers are proactive in taking user feedback and continuously work on improvements. Unlike traditional games where players are expected to adapt to the given gameplay, CryptoSpells encourages a collaborative culture of development between players and creators. This distinct feature sets it apart in the realm of Web3 games.

In Conclusion

CryptoSpells is a diverse ecosystem that offers engaging gameplay, a sense of ownership, thrill of trading, and an active community.

If you’re a card game enthusiast or simply looking to explore an exciting Web3 game, why not give CryptoSpells a try?

Game Details




I have been enjoying Web3 games since 2019.