18 in 2018: The Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development.

2017 was a year of fighting the good fight, and our members had many meaningful wins that created real impact. They secured grants, hired more employees, and had big, productive collaborations with each other.

We chatted with 18 of them to hear about some of their goals for 2018 and get the lowdown on their great 2017 memories. We’re going to spend the rest of the year telling you about what they had to say.

Next up is Geneviève Ramage, Development & Communications Coordinator of the Toronto Centre for Community Learning and Development.

The Centre for Community Learning and Development delivers programs in adult literacy, leadership development, immigrant integration, civic engagement, as well as skills development and volunteerism for youth. It equips people with tools for individual growth and empowers them to promote positive change in their community.

Tell me about your biggest accomplishment for 2017?
My biggest accomplishment in 2017 was the confidence of our learners. Whether it was feeling glamorous in a fancy hall for graduation, organizing a snazzy fashion show, or providing space to have their voices heard, their energy, joy, and smiles were (and continue to be) my biggest accomplishment and inspiration.

Explain the greatest challenge or roadblock you overcame in 2017?
Anxiety disorder. While learning and accepting this disorder, I started to lose myself, my voice and my confidence. I started to believe that I was no one, that I had nothing to offer. I felt like a failure, trapped in a cycle of self-masochism.

Once I began to open up about my struggles, support and empathy came from everywhere — co-workers, my supervisor, family, friends, acquaintances. I found strength in vulnerability. I found my voice again only to find it had become louder, less concerned about what others had to say. I started to see what others had always seen in me, a leader that cares.

One micro-goal you’re dead set on completing in 2018?
Building relationships with everyone by checking in and taking the time to listen and focus.

What is the most rewarding connection or experience CSI facilitated for you or your organization this year?
The most rewarding connection was CCL&D being a part of “Toronto for Everyone”. To capture the memories of Honest Ed’s from learners, staff, and community in Regent Park was incredibly special and dear to me due to my family’s past with that bright, loud place. Closing the chapter of such a historic and monumental part of Toronto’s history in this way is something I will always carry with me.

Do you have the goal of building relationships in 2018? Become a member today!



Centre for Social Innovation
Salad Club: The Centre for Social Innovation Blog

The Centre for Social Innovation is a coworking space, community, and launchpad for people who are changing the world, with 3 locations in Toronto and 1 in NYC.