Changemakers Who Change Business As We Know It

Nina G Reyes
5 min readAug 2, 2019


Photo by Volkan Olmez on Unsplash

In my work, I help changemakers develop and express their true voice, create a compelling brand storytelling strategy, and increase their impact. But what is a changemaker?

The word changemaker is a term used in the social innovation space as our world is moving from the traditional profit-driven business model to an economy that increasingly combines profit and purpose.

What is a changemaker?

To a large extent, we can thank millennials for turning our understanding of doing good and doing business on its head and demanding that the two don’t have to be mutually exclusive.

Social change is no longer exclusive to non-profit and government funded initiatives that are working on furthering a specific cause. A global wave of social innovation and social entrepreneurship is changing the way we do business and how we approach social change in general.

Defining Changemaker

I view a changemaker as someone who is deeply passionate about solving a particular issue or a problem for the purpose of the greater good. A changemaker often is a highly empathetic and idealistic person who is passionately working on a hopeful mission, no matter how difficult the obstacles or circumstances.

Changemakers are visionaries and innovators. They believe that there are better ways of tackling our current problems. They are looking for new perspectives and solutions to known issues that will benefit our communities and our planet.

Ashoka, a global organization that identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs, defines a changemaker in their publication More than Simply “Doing Good:” Defining Changemaker as follows:

“A changemaker is is someone who is taking creative action to solve a social problem. Thus, whether sparking a global movement or stopping a classroom bully, a founder of a social enterprise, or an employee of a multinational company, every changemaker is intentional about solving a social problem, motivated to act, and creative.”

Everyone Can Be A Changemaker

I like how Ashoka includes everyone in their definition as changemaking is not just exclusive to a privileged few. It’s enough if one person makes a difference in another person’s life. Change can happen on a personal level.

Change can happen to a group of people or in a community. In fact, that’s how change most often occurs. To create change on a global level takes a lot of smaller change initiatives to gain momentum over a long period of time.

To be a changemaker all you need to start is passion, creativity, and a voice.

Changemakers Who Inspire Us

Two changemakers in particular have inspired me in the past few months.

Greta Thunberg

One is the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. In August 2018, she initiated the School Strike For Climate movement, which you can join and follow under the hashtag #FridaysForFuture. In December the same year, Greta spoke at the United Nations Climate Change conference to denounce world leaders for their inaction when it comes to addressing the global climate emergency.

In a recent conversation between US Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Great Thunberg, which was published in The Guardian, Greta said this when asked about her role as a changemaker:

“The most common criticism I get is that I’m being manipulated and you shouldn’t use children in political ways, because that is abuse, and I can’t think for myself and so on. And I think that is so annoying! I’m also allowed to have a say — why shouldn’t I be able to form my own opinion and try to change people’s minds?”

Dr. Muhammad Yunus

The other inspiring changemaker I want to mention here is Professor Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi social entrepreneur, banker, economist, and civil society leader. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for establishing the Grameen Bank and pioneering the concepts of microcredit and microfinance. His work is fueled by the belief that credit is a fundamental human right.

I met Dr. Muhammad Yunus at the Global Social Business Summit 2018

His latest book “A World Of Three Zeros”, Yunus declares it’s time to admit that the capitalist engine has failed most people. He offers his vision of a new economic system that can save humankind and the planet. His new economics of zero poverty, zero unemployment, and zero net carbon emisions is truly the idea sprung of a mind of a changemaker.

“Our collective blocked mind prevents us from seeing the forces that are pushing us toward inevitable social explosion. Our efforts should be directed toward unblocking our minds. We must challenge the existing paradigms that led the world into this problem [of wealth concentration].” ~Dr. Muhammad Yunus

Changemakers I Have Worked With

Here are just a few change-making entrepreneurs who I have worked with:

Michelle N. Moore

Michelle N. Moore is the founder of MindEQuity in Canada, a consultancy that helps organizations cultivate uniquely human traits in a world where machines will soon outperform us. You can read more about my work with MindEQuity in this case study.

Annette Husmann

Annette Husmann created Greenpicks in Germany. Her online marketplace sells upcycled and eco-friendly products. I helped Annette define her verbal brand strategy and communicate the core ideas and values of her new venture.

Avdeep Bahra

Avdeep Bahra is the founder of Inner Healing in Canada where she guides people from loneliness to connection by healing trauma and emotional suppression. I helped Avdeep discover her own true voice and what’s truly important to her work as a coach and healer.

Tony Egdell

Tony Edgell is a spiritual coach based in the United States who inspires people to heal and let go of their past beliefs and stories in order to awaken the hero within. I helped Tony articulate his own story — from suppressed past beliefs to a free soul. Today, Tony is on a mission to serve others find healing and peace within.

Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald

Dr. Patricia Fitzgerald is a doctor of acupuncture and Oriental medicine with a thriving practice in Santa Monica, California. I helped Dr. Patricia get clear on her brand voice and share her teachings and experience in an authentic and approachable way that reflects her passion for whole person healing, her professionalism and her kindness.

Voices of Social Change

As entrepreneurs we have the incredible opportunity to help unblock our minds and create ways to do business and life that impacts our communities in a positive way.

As a brand storyteller, I’m passionate about helping solopreneurs and organizations rethink their approach to business and embrace a purpose-driven perspective that will put the wellbeing of the people we serve at the center of our ventures.

As a social entrepreneur or personal coach / consultant, you don’t have to build a global movement to affect positive change. It truly starts with building the foundations of your brand story on your own experience as well as your personal motivations and vision for the world.

My mission is to help you express your true voice and embrace the changemaker in yourself! Rebel on!

Originally published at on August 2, 2019.

I help social entrepreneurs, professionals and organizations in the social mission sector inspire audiences, create movements, and ignite change — through #truevoice and storytelling.

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Nina G Reyes

Champion of impact brands and #socialgood initiatives. Brand storyteller. Host of Meet The Changemakers podcast.