Salad Container Engine Beta Registration Now Open

Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023

Salad Container Engine (SCE) is a fully managed orchestration platform designed to distribute stateless container workloads across a massively scalable global network of consumer PCs.

Featuring predictable, minute-by-minute fees, our purpose-built developer toolkit offers reliable compute resources for up to 80% less than the leading data-center solutions — with absolutely zero switching cost.

Hungry for a change? Apply for early beta access today at

About Salad Portal

Salad Portal is an easy-to-use web app for managing your container deployments on Salad. Portal allows teams to create, join, and manage organizations in minutes, deploy and scale containers hosted on public registries, and monitor running Container Groups in real time.

If you’d prefer to build a custom pipeline integration, simply register for a Portal account and generate a unique API key for the SaladCloud REST API.

Requesting Beta Access

During the early enrollment period, Container Group quotas will be locked at zero pending review by our onboarding team. Beta registrants may request resources by submitting a workload profile as detailed in our registration walkthrough. This phased rollout will help us ensure the security of our users and verify legitimate interest.

We will review submissions and grant access to eligible accounts on a rolling basis over the coming weeks.

Upcoming Features

Salad container nodes can currently handle CPU-intensive container workloads, as well as a variety of P2P networking applications managed through Salad Gateway Service (SGS).

AI systems deployed on SCE have already benchmarked promising cost-efficiency improvements over standard transformer networks running in the cloud.

By the end of Q1 2023, we anticipate releasing support for private container registries, intuitive integrations for standard Kubernetes workflows, and network-wide access to 3D-accelerated GPU resources — perfect for distributing generative AI models and other resource-intensive applications.

How Is Salad Different?

Salad’s affordable infrastructure is powered by resources shared by our user community in exchange for meaningful rewards. Thanks to this core principle of mutual benefit, Salad can provide our customers with more affordable computational resources — and bring real opportunities to real people.

When you deploy to Salad Container Engine, our workload-agnostic distribution plane dynamically parses technical requirement inputs and selects the best hardware for the job. Each and every Salad container instance represents a standardized compute host on our worldwide network, ready to receive and run containers in secure isolation.

Learn more about how Salad secures deployments in our developer documentation.

