A few young voters explain…

Larry Saggese Jr.
Salem State Reports
3 min readNov 9, 2016

As the presidential election approached, the voice of the younger-aged generation of voters is as loud as it is has ever been. College students these days have many outlets of information when it comes to learning about the election and its candidates. With the current political environment created by the volatile race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, these voter profiles are easily moldable.

Salem State Reports wanted to gather the voices of the younger-aged voters and gauge the pulse of their ideals and thought processes. The slander and promotional nature of this election has easily reached the ears and eyes of this voting class through many mediums. Three young men between the ages of 19 and 24 agreed to share their thoughts a few days before Election Day.

Craig Hall, 21
Salem State University, junior
Operation Decision Sciences major

“At this point, I have no idea who I am going to vote for. Both candidates just seem to keep telling me why I shouldn’t vote for the other, which is why I probably won’t vote for either,” said Hall. Craig continued and added that he planned on utilizing the write in option, “if I vote for anyone it would probably be Tom Brady, I mean why not?”

Eric Galanis, 24
Ipswich resident
Recruiter for Healthcare IT Leaders
Registered Republican

I’m just torn because I have always leaned Republican, even before I could vote. But if you really listen to Trump, he has no idea what he is talking about. It’s pathetic that we are left with these options as our next president,” said Galanis. He followed up on with a new idea that even he acknowledged was far fetched: “We just need everyone to copy Utah and vote their independent candidate Evan McMullin, but even that’s a stretch, like it or not we are going to see another Clinton in the White House.”

Ryan Anderson, 19
Salem State University, freshman
Criminal Justice major

From the start I have been supporting Trump, but it really started off as a joke. This is my first time being registered to vote for president and I never thought that Trump was going to make it this far. I guess I have to stick with him, just to stay be consistent,” said Anderson. He added that it will probably be a game-time decision at the voting booth: “I’m really undeclared because I’m uniformed. I haven’t actually learned much but at least the race has been entertaining.”



Larry Saggese Jr.
Salem State Reports

Salem State University ’16: Journalism & Sport Management: Coach& Student