Henry Hides

David Simmons
Salem State Reports
2 min readFeb 16, 2017

Parents always share how every child is different and now that I have two of my own, I can attest to that. I have two boys under the age of three and only 16 months apart. Yes, the stereotype of boys being very active is also true, as well.

Gideon, the elder, is now into hide-and-seek. What is fun with him is that wherever he hides he usually says something like: “Daddy! Come and find me!”

Once I make some exclamation about where he could have possible gone, he always interjects with exactly where he is. I don’t think he fully understands the concept yet, but has a lot of fun doing it.

Henry, loves to do whatever his big brother does, but with a twist. He has the energy of a wolverine on the attack. He is a very sweet little boy, but tires anyone out really quickly. His version of hide-and-seek is a little different than his brother’s. You don’t know you’re playing it until there is silence and you don’t know where he went.

When there is silence and you ask where he is, you are answered with only more silence. There is no laughter, no heavy breathing, just silence. It is a little nerve-wracking, but, that’s his personality. The best part is, he gets a kick out of it.

And yes, he gets that from me. Just ask my wife.

Henry participates in his new favorite game, hide-and-seek. He gets just as much joy being found as he does sitting in silence awaiting discovery.

My wife and I have created an album called “Henry Hides” and it is composed of shots of him trying to hide from us. Some are really good ones, and others, well, let’s just say there is the thought process of: “If I can’t see you, then you can’t see me.”



David Simmons
Salem State Reports

I define myself by my theological beliefs, what I've learned in the Marine Corps and being a father and husband.