Is Social Media Hurting the Way People Communicate with One Another?

Natalie Durazo
Salem State Reports
2 min readApr 3, 2017

In this day and age, with cellphones, tablets and just about any electronic device you can think of, it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t have at least one social media account. The popular sites have become part of the daily routine: checking one’s accounts to see what’s happening in one’s social circle and around the world.

Some will say the increase in social media sites has helped communication with others, especially when people are not in close proximity of each other, and some say otherwise. After reaching out to students at Salem State University, a few were willing to share their thoughts on the subject.

Emily Nguyen, Senior, Outdoor Recreation Management
“I think the younger generation and ours are used to talking to the screen now and not to people,” Nguyen said. “They have become timid or shy and don’t know what to say when they actually do have to communicate with someone face to face.”

Nicholas Stone, Junior, Sports Management
“It’s easier to communicate with people over the country with social media,” Stone said. “There are negatives, though, as this younger generation will struggle with how they communicate with people because they don’t know anything else and you can see people get emotionally and mentally hurt by others on these sites.”

Courtney Malcolm, Sophomore, Elementary Education
“I am addicted to social media, whenever I get off of work I can’t wait to look at my Instagram,” Malcolm said. “But social media can be harmful to relationships, whether that is with friends or with significant others, so there are positives and negatives.”



Salem State Reports
Salem State Reports

Published in Salem State Reports

Brought to you by Salem State University’s Communications students

Natalie Durazo
Natalie Durazo

Written by Natalie Durazo

“Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”