Reasons Why Outdoor Exercise is Better For You

Lindsey Ryan
Salem State Reports
6 min readFeb 27, 2017

Exercise is obviously part of a healthy lifestyle, but how you exercise can also greatly affect your health. Exercising outdoors has been scientifically proven to benefit a person’s mental and physical state, and it can be fun! Many people work in offices with very little physical activity, which makes it that much more important to spend time outdoors. A team at the Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry has analyzed existing studies and concluded: “The study found that most trials showed an improvement in mental well-being: compared with exercising indoors, exercising in natural environments was associated with greater feelings of revitalization, increased energy and positive engagement, together with decreases in tension, confusion, anger and depression,” according to Science Daily. This is important news for people of all ages, and shows that the benefits of outdoor exercise should not be underrated.

1) Unconventional Exercise Can Be Fun

Repetition can be boring, and exercise in a gym can quickly become monotonous. Exercising outdoors does not have to be that way, and can actually be fun! Paddle boarding, tennis, running, hiking, are all enjoyable exercises that can be done outdoors. Exercise should be fun, otherwise it will become torture and unenjoyable. Finding an unconventional exercise to participate in will increase mental well-being because of the fun and excitement that comes along with it. “In virtually all of the studies, the volunteers reported enjoying the outside activity more and, on subsequent psychological tests, scored significantly higher on measures of vitality, enthusiasm, pleasure and self-esteem and lower on tension, depression and fatigue after they walked outside,” according to the New York Times. Enthusiasm for exercise is what will motivate people to exercise more, so it is a positive cycle to continue.

Photo Credit: Stephanie Young Merzel

2)Vitamin D is important

“It’s sometimes called the ‘sunshine vitamin’ because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight,” according to Healthline. Vitamin D is very important to human health, and can have positive affects on our mental health. According to Healthline: “Research has shown that vitamin D might play an important role in regulating mood and warding off depression,” which is an important reason to get out and soak up some rays. The sun gives us free vitamin D, so why bother taking a supplement? Getting outdoors for your daily dose of vitamin D will have your body thanking you, and there will be a noticeable difference in mental and physical health. Going outside for your daily amount of vitamin D is the cheapest supplement option, and also the most fun.

Photo Credit: Daniel R. Blume

3) Fun With Friends

Exercising does not have to be a lonely experience, and bringing a friend can be beneficial when it comes to having fun while being active. “I struggle to be alone, but when I take the initiative, and I push myself to workout, and workout outside I feel really strong and really happy,” said Kat Pierson, a student at Northastern University. Working out with a friend may be beneficial to someone like Kat, because it is a more interactive experience. Exercising with a buddy, or a group outdoors is a great way to be social, while being healthy. Being in a group or with a friend may push you to work harder and keep up, which can only improve your physical health. “When you work out alone, it’s all too easy to fall back on the same-old, same-old exercises. But that’s an easy way to fall into a fitness plateau. A friend might have suggestions for switching up your routine that you wouldn’t think of alone, and that will keep things interesting and ensure all your muscle get worked out,” according to Shape Magazine. So find a buddy and get out there!

Photo Credit: carmenmitchell

4)Explore a New Place

Go somewhere new! Hiking a new trail, finding a new beach, or running on a different street will give you a different perspective, and you may find an exciting experience. Finding a location that is invigorating is very important to your exercise, as well as your general well being able to avoid getting stuck in a rut. Our jobs can become repetitious, so finding a way to break the cycle through discovering a new place will bring a more positive perspective to our lives. The experience could become so enjoyable, that you may just end up finding your new favorite place to visit. “On average hiking burns up about 250 calories an hour — and people who lose weight through hiking or walking generally maintain that loss and continue to lose, while those who depend on diets tend to gain weight back,” according to Try hiking for a new experience, and if that is not for you, there are so many free places to exercise in the Boston Area!

Photo Credit: Lindsey Ryan

5) Engage with your surroundings

Being in nature means that you can observe your surroundings more, and you will become witness to nature’s beauty. Being able to connect with nature and with animals is a beautiful experience, and can make your exercise routine more exciting. “Exercising outside is important because you receive sunlight, exposes you to diverse forms of plant and animal life, and you can see the changes in the environment,” said Salem State University student Chris Reynolds. Being able to connect with the changing environment is also beneficial to health. According to Fit Life: “Exercising outdoors provides an opportunity to be physically active in a constantly changing environment. The more challenging the terrain, the harder the body has to work to sustain an efficient work rate.” Animals, beautiful landscape and a challenging landscape are all inspiration for your next work out.

Photo Credit: Lindsey Ryan

6) Bring Your Pet

Exercise is not just good for you, but your dog as well! Don’t forget to bring your dog on your next power walk, or trip to the beach! Animals need good exercise just as much as humans, and it is important to remember that the next time you step out the door. Your dog can not only motivate you, but they are a friend that will never cancel plans. Seeing your dog enjoy the exercise may also motivate you to keep up with them, which will bring enjoyment to your workout. As owners we want to see our pets having fun, and the best way is to join in on the fun! The Journal of Physical Activity & Health found that dog owners are more likely to reach their fitness goals than those without canine companions, which is a good reason to keep up with your furry friend!

Photo Credit: Lindsey Ryan

