May Release of Saleor: Navigation Management and Filtering

Marcin Gębala
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2019

Welcome to the May 2019 release of Saleor! Read on to learn about the newest changes.

Storefront navigation management

This month we’re bringing you last missing section of Dashboard 2.0. Storefront navigation management allows you to configure which information and links are visible in the menu bars of your storefront. You can add new items and easily link them to existing categories, collections, and pages on your site, or add a link to any external site you choose. Once items are created, you can easily arrange the structure by dragging and dropping to reorder or nest them.

Adding new menu items

Filtering capabilities

Dashboard 2.0 already provides management views for all data models in Saleor, but we wanted to make it even better by adding filtering capabilities to two dashboard sections. Products can now be filtered by price (exact value or price range), stock availability, or storefront visibility. Orders can be filtered by creation date and fulfillment status. We’ve also added search capabilities that let you find products by name or orders by customer’s email, and many more. Lastly, each filter you apply can be saved as a new tab so it can be easily reused later!

Creating a filter for products that cost over $50

New order creation flow

Having to deal with unpaid orders may be problematic for store owners for several reasons. Unpaid orders unnecessarily allocate stock quantity, which may be abused by malicious users. Staff members have to manually resolve each order and either contact the customer or close the order after some time. It means more work and less revenue. We’ve now changed the flow of creating orders in our GraphQL API so that an order is only created if a successful payment has been made. If a payment fails, customers will stay with an open checkout that they can either pay later or share with someone else who can pay for them.

These are the highlights of the release. For the full changelog, go to the Github release page.

Future releases

There are a bunch of exciting things that we’re now working on right now to improve Saleor:

Plug-in architecture
Saleor is highly customizable, but one trade-off that comes with it is the difficulty of upgrading to new versions after any customizations were made. We’re investigating better approaches to customization with the use of plug-in architecture which would allow integrating the Saleor flow with custom logic.

Enterprise-grade attributes
A proper attribute structure is a crucial factor for many businesses when presenting their products in the system. We want to make attributes in Saleor more flexible and allow them to be created independently from product types, as well as giving extra control over their visibility in the storefront’s faceted search or product detail pages.

Advanced product list capabilities
The dashboard’s product list will also become a lot more flexible. We’re currently designing a new version in which users will be able to customize the visible columns, reorder them, and edit products with in-line forms.

Lastly, we’re getting a lot of questions regarding multi-vendor support in Saleor on our social channels. Right now we’re focused on developing the default, single-vendor version and our cloud solution; but we want to assure everyone that multi-vendor support is something we want just as much as you do, and we’ll keep it on our radar.

Thank you

A big thank you 🙏 to all contributors, stargazers, and supporters of Saleor!


For those of you who are interested in contributing to the project, we prepared a bunch of issues labeled as help wanted. Don’t worry if you don’t fully understand the problem — our team will try to guide you and answer all your questions. Remember to check our channels on Gitter and Spectrum; they serve best if you have quick questions that don’t require opening an issue on GitHub.



Marcin Gębala
Editor for

Full stack engineer at @mirumeelabs. Development lead of @getsaleor.