How to deal with client ghosting

Zafer Atik
Sales Booster
Published in
4 min readJun 5, 2020


Three reasons why your prospects ghost on you and how to deal with it

Ghosting hurts Photo by Erik Müller on Unsplash

Just like Tinder ghosting, client ghosting in sales is real, and it hurts. As the Cambridge dictionary puts it, ghosting is a way of ending a relationship with someone by stopping all communication with them.

Let’s say you sent an email, received a positive reply. Bingo! You had a very positive phone call/ demo call. Perfect! Your prospect expressed interest, you sent additional info and crossed your fingers. Some follow-ups happened (or not), days, and weeks passed. Sadly, no news. Your prospect is not answering your calls or returning to your emails. Don’t panic; you are being ghosted, and you are not alone.

Unfortunately, ghosting is part of the life of a business developer. Yes, it sucks, but it’s nothing personal. Ghosting is just a way to express an unwillingness to buy at a given time.

3 Reasons Your Prospects Ghost On You

1) Bad timing

The prospect might have a benefit by using your solution. You may solve a business problem, but maybe that particular problem is not the top priority of the company now. Some people don’t like saying “no”, so they just play for time.



Zafer Atik
Sales Booster

Business development consultant helping companies finding markets and grow sales. Interested in history and economics. Living between Paris and İstanbul.