3 Deadly Book Writing Mistakes Every Entrepreneur Needs To Avoid

Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2022

Creating your book is not as hard as you think, as long as you avoid these mistakes.

There are certain things publishers want you to believe about what it takes to create a book so they can keep control of the publishing industry.

However, despite what they want you to believe, you don’t need to have a traditional publisher to have a real book and enjoy the credibility the comes from being a legitimate author.

If you make these mistakes, though, it will take forever to get your book done (if you do it at all).

So, if you want to know how to be the author of a book that gives you massive credibility with your ideal customers, here are some mistakes for you to avoid like the plague:

Mistake # 1 — Chaining Yourself To The Keyboard To Create Content For The Book

Most people think to write a book you sit down at the keyboard and type until your fingers fall off.

Reality is, if you know the right strategies, you can create all the content for your book in about 2 hours (Yep! Absolutely true!!).

Mistake # 2 — Thinking Only 300 Page Books Are “Real” Books

Some people assume a book must be super-long to rate as a “real” book in the eyes of the public.

The truth is, especially with non-fiction or “how to” topics, shorter books help people get a result faster and make them happier (which means there are plenty of great books with just 100 pages in them).

Mistake # 3 — Believing All Your Profit Comes From Actual Book Sales

Trying to make all your money from sales of the book is a huge mistake.

The best-selling authors make as much as 100X the profit from the sales of coaching, advanced programs, and consulting as they do from actual book sales.

Imagine all the ways you could use a book to get more leads and sales in your existing business.

By the way, if you really want be the author of a book that gives you massive credibility with your ideal customers (and publish it SUPER FAST), my “7 Day Ebook” Program helps you do that and so much more! Check it out here: 7DayEbook.com



Jim Edwards
Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards helps entrepreneurs create MORE Leads — MORE Sales — And Stronger, More Profitable Relationships => https://linktr.ee/thejimedwards