The Word Of The Day: Stories
When most people think of stories, they immediately visualize a kid’s story. But some also think of telling a story to get out of trouble with your mom. ??
When online entrepreneurs see the word “stories” they often think of using stories to sell (as they rightly should!).
When I think of stories, I envision the single most powerful tool for amazing sales copy and content ever created.
I know you’ve heard the term people “buy on emotion and justify on logic” — which is a great formula. But, in order to put that formula to work, you got to make people emotional… but how do you do it?
Stories create emotion in people better than anything else you can do! Hollywood does it all the time with movies. Authors do it all the time with books and short stories.
When you do it right, a great story persuades and overcomes objections without people even realizing it! A great story sells without selling!
Here’s the bottom line for you: the single most valuable thing you can do to make more sales is get better at telling stories.
Start telling stories about your products, your customers, and your experiences. Learn the patterns for telling a great sales story and practice using them until it becomes second nature.
Hey, by the way, if you’d like to know how to create amazing sales stories, make sure you register for the free masterclass I’m going to be doing.
I’m going to spend an entire afternoon teaching you about sales stories! It’s gonna be a ton of fun and very profitable!
It’s called the Sales Story Masterclass, you can register for free.