How to MASTER the Dreaded Cold Call

Ali Mirza
Sales Forum
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2016

Cold calling is the most feared and dreaded activity of new and old salespeople alike, however it is also one of the best ways to fill your pipeline.

The risk is low because any mistakes you make only cost you a few minutes of your time. Plus- the payout will be worth it if you can even ink one great deal from 100 cold calls.

The major key is to not get discouraged, and do not give up.

Lets discuss some steps to the PERFECT cold call.

Step One.There are many ways to get ahold of the decision maker to give your pitch, however for the purpose of this blog I will only share one. You’ll have to attend one of my sales seminars to learn the other ways(hah). In some situations honesty is the best policy. It is best to keep a few things in mind prior to making the call so to increase your chances of getting through to the right person.

- Call and be polite (ask how they are doing)

- Let them know who you are (humanize yourself)

- Address why you are calling them

- Pay them a compliment (must be genuine — something about their professional tone in answering the call)

- Let them know you are going to ask for a favour

- Then ask to speak to the decision maker

Its quite surprising how well this works. Just simply being polite and asking for a favour can go a long way in this process of getting you past the gatekeeper.

Step Two. According to my research, there are specific times which are best to cold call, it’s early in the morning and late in the day. I also have come up with Tuesday and Thursday being the best days. This is based on times when people will be most receptive to your call.

So Follow this advice and make your call on a Tuesday or Thursday morning/late afternoon.

This advice is simple yet effective. People are more likely to have time and patience to hear you out at these times and this will greatly increase your chance of success.

Step Three. Check out the company website and reviews before hand. Get to know them and have this ready to use when you speak to them. Compliment them on their branding and or product/service. Make them feel good about themselves, they will be much more apt to hear you out.

Step Four. Make sure you have a plan in place of what you’re going to say before you get to speak to the decision maker. Some salespeople focus so much on just getting past the gatekeeper that they forget about what they’re suppose to say once they get in the door. You want to be fully prepared so you don’t come off like a complete newbie.

Have a script of your pitch but don’t sound too scripted, its a very delicate balance.

Step Five. Provide goals and rewards for yourself to keep your motivation high and your pipeline full. Make a plan to call at least 10 people then take a short break. The key is persistence and perseverance. Not everyone is going to take your call, not everyone is the right fit for your company. However, you will never know until you make the calls. In some situations, it only takes ONE great client.

About the Author

Ali is an accomplished Sales Master and Trainer! Starting his career in sales at the tender age of 18, Ali quickly realized that he would have to become better because being terrible at selling was not fun. Since then, Ali has personally closed almost $100 Million in sales for many companies from small local establishments to large multi-national organizations. Since 2012, Ali has taken his passion for closing deals to teaching others how to close deals. Ali firmly believes, there is no such thing as a born salesman; the only things born are baby boys and baby girls! Salespeople are taught. Ali currently lives in Atlanta and travels the country helping companies increase their sales; you can keep up with him at his consulting firm.

