How to Communicate Effectively in Sales

If you want to successfully make sales, your message needs to grab the attention of potential customers. If you can accomplish this, you’ll have no problem meeting your sales quota. But you must be able to effectively communicate so that you can get your message across. 

Carmit Yadin
Sales World


By Carmit Yadin from Sales Experts Executive Recruiters.

For some, the sales message is about what the company (and the sales team) desire or are hoping to achieve. This is the wrong approach; you must focus on the customer—and the customer’s needs and desires. Determine what the customer wants—and work on building trust. Connect with your customer at a more social and casual level, since this is what will more closely draw the customer to you.

The use of sales pitches, which are nothing more than insincere and convoluted scripts full of transparent jargon and empty promises, will only push the customer away from you—and into the arms of the competition. Instead, you should create a sales message that suits your target customer; and be sincere so that you can cultivate loyalty—rather than simply a one-time sale.

Mistakes to Avoid When Making Sales

Insofar as the message you create for your sales should be captivating, remember also that there are things you should avoid when hoping to make the sale. Some of them are:

· Sending mass e-mails

If you want to increase sales, sending out a blast of e-mails is the wrong way to go about it. And it’s simply because most people don’t read them. They delete them, which means that your sales message got nowhere at all—it went down a dead-end street. If you want to increase your customer base, spend more time on the small number of sales leads that are likely to become your repeat (and loyal) customers. Don’t focus on the ones who are unlikely to buy from you anyway.

· Little focus on developing qualified lists

A well-created, qualified list of customers is the best thing a salesperson can own. If you spend little time developing the list, you will end up with a long list of people who are not likely to be your customers anyway. To increase your opportunities for making sales, spend more time finding out about the specific companies and individuals you are targeting. This will narrow down your list to the most likely potential customers. These are the people with whom you should make a connection—and spend more time with—increasing your opportunity to make more sales. This is unlikely if you are making a sales pitch to a large number of people with whom you have no connection whatsoever.

Tips on Creating Your Sales Message

If you are going to effectively communicate with your potential customers, you need to create a message that is not only interesting—but focuses on each one’s needs as well. This is a simple task, which requires only some creativity—and the ability to network with others in the same field. You should also make it a point to create professional relationships with the customers you are targeting.

You can achieve this by:

· Making calls (rather than sending out impersonal e-mails), which are more likely to lead to introductions.

· Being online and taking part in forums consistently—while providing your customers with reliable, truthful information.

· Having accessible (but truthful and sincere) sales pitches.

· Having a personal relationship with the customers instead of seeing them only as numbers.

By incorporating these tips into your sales approach, you will see an increase in sales.

Who am I?

Carmit Yadin is a business leader, with a background in various IT industries, and experience in communication and building relationships in multicultural environments. Working with Sales Experts Executive Recruiters.

Ms. Yadin is a seasoned expert in many areas of business and possesses specialized and proven expertise in business competition management as it relates to the world of technology.

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Carmit Yadin
Sales World

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