2014 Sales Prediction -Gamification 

Gamifying Processes & Sub-processes 

Aravind Gogineni
Sales World
1 min readDec 31, 2013


Enough of making sales processes monotonous & boring. They are a disaster.

The only way to make every sub process of the sale interesting is to gamify it. Gamification is all about application of game design thinking and game elements to processes to make them more fun and engaging.

Example 1- In sales, setting a target of ‘x’ closures per quarter is the norm and boring. For the same case, if you put up a points & badges table and assign points for each sub process(prospects,demo,meeting etc), people work in a fun environment to achieve badges and feel competitive at the same time. The rewarding system can work according to the scoreboard.

In addition, salesforce is allowing gamified applications to be integrated with it and making the entire activity more engaging.

Example 2- With in the CRM itself, if someone has moved a prospect from ‘Lead stage’ to ‘Proposal stage’ faster than the average time, a system generated ‘Congratulations’ message can be posted on the timeline for the achievement and at the same time, the respective team leader/manager can issue additional bonus points or a privelege badge which boosts the employees moral.

This is 2014 and i wish not only sales process but every process is gamified to make work fun and ever more interesting & engaging.

My other posts on sales are here- http://goo.gl/jMErxI

