The future (of) CRM

Lupau Adrian
Sales World
Published in
2 min readJan 8, 2014


They say innovation happens on the edges so don’t look for it in the middle. is undoubtedly the most successful company that helps business people close more business. They roughly own half of the market and have close to 5 million users.Yet there are around to 200 millions small companies in the world which serve customers cause serving customers is the main purpose of any business.

So, as you can see , the world of these small entrepreneurs remains vastly underserved when it comes to software.

With the rise of smartphones this is all going to change.

There are three companies that fight for the future CRM that customers will actually want to use and they are not based in the middle of Silicon Valley. Rather they are slowly revolutionizing the world from the edges , all three were started in the Eastern Europe.

They are BASE ( Inch ( and CallerQ ( and come from Poland, Hungary and respectively Romania.

They all recognize the fact that for a true future CRM, something should happen immediately after a call has ended in terms of setting a followup and reporting should be done automatically and NOT manually by the user. For now , they have launched Android apps but soon IOS versions will follow.

Which one do you think has the better chances to succeed?



Lupau Adrian
Sales World

Founder&CEO CallerQ - Tools for salespeople & BizDev Manager Fortech - software development outsourcing company