Best Email Closings: How to End a Cold Email

Sushant Shekhar
Published in
8 min readJul 9, 2021

Writing effective cold emails is an art. Though the introduction and the message need to be striking, the ending of your cold email is also equally important. Based on how you end your email, prospects decide whether to take the conversation further or not. So, along with paying attention to the beginning of your email, you have to focus on how you end it. In this blog, you will learn how to write the best email closings for your cold emails.

How to end a cold email?

Here are a few tips that will be useful in ending your emails as effectively as you start them.

1. Have a clear CTA

Having a clear call to action (CTA) matters the most in a cold email. It tells the recipient what action they should take after they finish reading it. The purpose of sending a cold email is to make the prospect take the action you want them to. Therefore, all the sentences in the email body should pull the prospect closer to the call to action.

Some people leave out the CTA to avoid being too pushy. However, allowing the prospect to know how they can gain benefit from the email will be a win-win situation for them and you. Ensure that you add one CTA in your cold email that is easy to follow as it is one of the best email closings.

2. Don’t be aggressive in your CTA

Email closing lines with a CTA seem ideal, but all CTAs are not the same. It depends on what you are aiming for through your email campaign. While cold emailing is a great way to acquire new customers and boost sales, you shouldn’t sell in every email. If you do that, recipients are more likely to mark you as spam, ultimately affecting your email deliverability.

With cold emails, you can’t close each one of them with a sales pitch. Remember that the recipient doesn’t know you and does not anticipate getting emails from you. Asking them to buy products or services from you will make them feel a little awkward.

Your CTA can book a sales demo or fix up a call with the prospect, but even that has become too common these days. The truth is that people have limited time and cannot attend demos or meetings. That is why you have to give them a CTA that makes them do less work and invest less time. That way, you can expect them to respond positively to your cold email.

3. Ask a question

Your cold email is the first step to a journey, and it is up to you and the prospect to decide its fate. It is more like your introduction to the recipient, and you must make an effort to leave a lasting impression on their mind.

It is a good idea to close the email with a question. When you ask a question, you make the reader think which will impact the response they will give you. The answer to the question can help you learn more about your prospects, and you can use that information to personalize the follow-up emails. Getting a response from the prospect indicates that they found the email relevant.

Just ensure that there is a difference between asking an open-ended question and making the prospect feel awkward.

4. Provide a calendar link

What can be better than getting a meeting booked with the prospect in an instant? When your CTA makes the prospect book a meeting, you can consider using a meeting scheduler. SalesBlink’s meeting scheduler allows you to share your calendar link with prospects so that they can finalize a mutually convenient date.

You have to provide the tool with the days and time slots during which you are available for meetings. Thanks to the tool, you can minimize all the conversations you would have with the prospect to decide on the date and time of the meeting. You can get your prospects to book meetings without worrying about the time zone. The effort is reduced considerably at the prospect’s end, and there is no need to waste time sending unnecessary emails back and forth.

Here’s what you can mention in your email closings,

Please use this link to choose a date and time of your choice for the meeting.

Let’s catch up for a quick conversation. Just select a suitable time and date using my calendar link.

5. Give a compliment

Nothing is surprising about the fact that compliments make you feel good about yourself. You can build a long-lasting relationship with people by complimenting them. Signing off with a compliment will make the reader happy and more interested in your product or service. However, make it sound genuine and don’t exaggerate. Fake compliments won’t go too well with recipients most often.

6. Make use of your email signature

You won’t have to give a detailed introduction if you use an email signature at the end of the email. You can save the initial lines to engage the prospect in place of talking about yourself. A well-designed email signature should have your full name, company’s name, role in the company, contact number, and social media links. Make it professional and attractive with the help of email signature generator tools.

SalesBlink has its own free email signature generator that creates an email signature for you at lightning-fast speed. It saves you of the time and effort you would put in designing one yourself.

Another advantage of an email signature is that you can add a secondary CTA by inviting readers to visit your company’s website or download a free resource.

7. Personalize the last lines of the email

Using personalization in your email will pay you handsomely, especially when you use them in the closing part of the email. Using the prospect’s name just before you sign off can be an effective way to end the email. When prospects see their name, it triggers a chemical reaction in their brain that makes them feel good. It would therefore result in a positive response. Also, the prospect is more likely to remember the conversation they had with you.

8. Avoid using huge logos and unnecessary company info

You can add your company’s logo in your email signature but don’t make it seem too jarring. A cold email should ideally seem plain and straightforward. So, keep things subtle. Similarly, stay away from adding too much company info, lengthy disclaimers, and policies that can distract the reader from the actual message in the email.

So, you have seen how to end an email.

Best Email Closing Examples

Here are some of the best email closings,

1. I would like to discuss the features of our tool on a call. Are you ready for it next Wednesday at 4 pm?

The above is a CTA asking for a meeting. It can click with the recipient if the email body is convincing enough. Instead of simply asking for a meeting, the day and time are present, making the recipient wonder if they are actually available at that time instead of thinking whether he should attend the meeting. That is how you tactfully get the recipient to say yes to the meeting.

2. If you find it interesting, I would love to tell you more about it. Would you please pick a time from my calendar that is convenient for you?

It is another way to make sure the meeting takes place. Here, a calendar link helps minimize the dialogue involved in finalizing the day and time for the meeting.

There is also a possibility of it backfiring as some people are unwilling to click a link sent to them by a stranger. It is also a genuine reason because there are so many malicious activities online that one would think twice before clicking an unknown link. Just mention your company in the email signature so that you appear to be authentic to the recipient.

3. Are you struggling with [a problem that your product or service solves]?

The above is another example of ending your email with a question. Asking a question engages a prospect more. If it is a specific one like how it is above, it shows that you have done your research and understand the problem faced by the recipient. It helps gain their attention and increases the chances of getting a response.

4. If you don’t mind sharing, how do you deal with [a problem that your product or service solves] at present?

Here again, you are trying to start a conversation with the prospect and asking for their input in a nice way. This approach is not foolproof. It may not lead to a sale, but it gives you a chance to know the recipient better that would probably help you in the future. The chances of getting a response also depend on how complex the solution of the problem is. If it has a short answer, you will get a response, and if it takes too long to answer your question or if the prospect is not interested, you won’t get a response.

5. I have recorded a video that shows how [Your company] can help [recipient’s company] save $500 a week. Can I send it to you?

The above is a somewhat different closing to an email. It is an excellent way of kindling a sense of curiosity in the mind of the reader. The prospect would be eager to know about the video as you are offering something personalized. It is not like regular email closings where you ask for a sale or a meeting. In the above example, you provide something of value, and there is a good chance of getting a positive reply from the prospect.


Email closings are as crucial as the introductory sentence. Based on the email closings, you can expect a positive or negative response. So, it is mandatory to make the ending of the email as effective as possible.

Using CTAs is one way of ensuring that you get some response from the recipient of the email. Closing your email with an open-ended question is also a great way to end the email as you are making the reader think, resulting in a response. Personalization also works every time to grab the reader’s interest, and so does a professional-looking email signature at the end of the email.



Sushant Shekhar

Founder of | From Prospecting to Outreach to Closing at lightning fast speed