How to Write a Cold Email Introduction? (+ 15 Templates)

Sushant Shekhar
Published in
8 min readJun 23, 2021

What is a Cold Email Introduction?

A cold email introduction needs to introduce the company and keep the reader engaged without making it seem like the company itself is the center of attention.

The introduction should make the recipient want to move on to the following line. The introduction should clearly state what the company does and how its services can help the reader.

How to Write a Cold Email Introduction?

The trick in getting a cold email read is to keep it simple and personalized for the reader.

There is a fine line between an introduction and bombarding someone with information about yourself.

Remember that the recipient doesn’t know you and may not choose to respond or even read the email if the introduction is not gripping enough.

You must show that you want to help them genuinely. So, jumping straight to business right at the start may not work.

The most crucial point about a cold email introduction is that you have to do proper research before reaching out to prospects. When you know them well, they will feel that you have made an effort to gather all the information about them. Moreover, research these days is not challenging when you have Google around.

Congratulate prospects over a recent achievement or product launch or build a relationship using a common interest. It can be absolutely anything. People tend to get more attracted to emails that talk about their interests.

After the introduction, telling the prospect your purpose of connecting with them would be a good idea. Then you can go on with how you can help and solidify your presence with social proof.

You now have a basic idea of how to write a cold email introduction.

Cold Email Introduction Templates

Here are some cold email introduction templates that you would find useful.

Template #1

Hello (reader’s name),

Did you know that even though sales increase in the last two quarters of the year, executives have trouble understanding their return on investment on commission spent?

Our company saves you the trouble of calculating commission for your representatives.

If you would be willing to give us 10 minutes of your time tomorrow, we can show you how our software works.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

The cold email introduction template clearly explains how the company can alleviate a significant problem that the prospect faces.

Template #2

Hello (reader’s name),

Meeting daily targets can be a challenge. It can be incredibly challenging for busy executives, such as yourself. Our software helps executives save almost 5 hours a week.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This email introduction example may seem similar to the one above.

But, the difference is that the product does not offer a complete solution in this example. It provides a service that is useful in navigating a particular problem.

Template #3

Hello (reader’s name),

All businesses, whether SMEs, NGOs, or Fortune 100 companies, have one thing in common. And that is that they can save time and money by using our software, ABC.

Here are some examples so that you should check out.

(Insert links to provide proof)

Start your 30-day free trial today and see how ABC can help!


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This cold email first introduces the main idea. It then explains how your product can help, with proof.

Another tip from this email that can be used is to provide a lead magnet, a 30-day free trial. By offering something for free, the customer is more likely to try your product.

Template #4

Hello (reader’s name),

Do you want to save your company 16 hours of work a week?

Companies like ours are doing just that for others by helping them with better sales productivity. Our clients have reported that by using our software, ABC, there has been an increase in rep productivity by 15%.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This strategy grabs the reader’s attention in the first line and gets their interest by providing examples of their work. This email evokes the reader’s desire not to miss out on this product.

Template #5

Hello (reader’s name),

I use ABC to pitch my ideas to some of the most influential media houses. Last week, ABC helped me land feature stories in 2 very influential magazines.

It lets me know when emails containing my story pitches are left unopened. Now, I don’t waste my time waiting for a reply.

You can use ABC too, and make your life as a writer easier!


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This cold call email introduction template connects to the reader on an emotional level. The content is a story that has a star (the writer) whose work is made easier. The story of the writer’s experience is a pitch to the reader to become interested in the product.

Template #6

Hello (reader’s name),

I see you have an impressive track record as the Head of Sales at XYZ. I am reaching out to you to achieve better sales productivity with our product, ABC.

We often hear from our customers that their data is inaccurate. That’s why they use ABC to sync their email and calendar activities automatically.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This cold email introduction template starts with a compliment so that the reader feels rewarded.

It then explains the cause and effect of their product’s effectiveness. This builds trust with the prospect.

Template #7

Hello (reader’s name),

Since you are the company’s Head of Sales, you already know how annoying it is to waste your time on unresponsive leads.

This time can be better utilized on more promising leads, building relations, and closing deals.

Our company alleviates this problem by providing sales reps with email tracking and automated outreach campaigns.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

The email introduction example starts with making the reader aware of the issue. It then explains how it affects the reader. It piques the interest of the reader by showing how the product can solve the problem.

Template #8

Hello (reader’s name),

My name is (sender’s name), and I am in charge of the Business Operations at ABC.

My company provides services in email tracking. From your online profile, it appears to me that you are the person, or you can point me to the right person to discuss sales productivity.

I would like to speak to someone from (reader’s company name) who is in charge of sales.

If it is you, are you free for a 10-minute call tomorrow?

If it isn’t you, could you give me the appropriate person’s information?


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This email template is used when the sender is unsure whether the reader is the right person to decide on their product. Emails like these must fully explain their intention in contacting the reader.

Template #9

Hello (reader’s name),

My name is (sender’s name), and I work for ABC. My team and I have made a software tool that saves busy executives such as yourself 11 hours a week.

Are you free for 10 minutes tomorrow for a demo of our software?


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This email is short and to the point and uses a less-is-more approach.

Template #10

Hello (reader’s name),

A look at your website tells me that you are using XYZ for (insert service). I am working on a similar product, ABC. Except that our product (insert key differentiator between XYZ and sender’s product).

I would like to have a quick 10-minute call to better your company’s efficiency.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

The email introduction template mentions the competitor’s product, XYZ, and lets the reader know how their product is better than it.

Template #11

Hello (reader’s name),

I noticed that you were interested in (content topic) when you visited our website.

Let me recommend additional resources of a similar kind that might interest you (Insert relevant resources).

Our company also offers (mention services offers) that you might like.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This email isn’t strictly used on cold leads. But, it will help further interaction with clients by recommending something of interest to them.

Template #12

Hello (reader’s name),

How will your revenue improve if there is a 70 percent increase in leads, 50 percent increase in sales, and 50 percent increase in meeting sales targets?

If you have a few minutes to spare, we can discuss how <your product or service> delivers the above results to clients. Can you schedule a quick call this week?

Looking forward to hearing from you,

<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This cold email introduction example is more of a challenge for a prospect’s company wherein you try to show that the product or service you are offering works. And there is a straightforward CTA.

Template #13

Hello (reader’s name),

I came across your website and found the design to be amazingly brilliant. I have sent your website link to a few people who would find your services useful.

Even though the design is flawless, I can see a few mistakes related to SEO, and I can fix them up for you.

Can I point them out and share them with your web team, please? It would be great if we can discuss this further on a call.


<Your Name>

Why choose this template?

Here in this email, you appreciate the potential customer’s website, which would work in capturing the recipient’s attention. Next, you are telling the prospect about the website’s errors and how you can fix them up. People like such helping gestures.

The point is to say something positive first and then follow it up with criticism to balance things.

Template #14

Hello (reader’s name),

John Frank told me that you were explaining the difficulty in <topic>. I understand that it is challenging, and most organizations are currently facing this problem.

I happened to take a look at your website, and I feel that <your suggestion>. There are a few ideas that will work in your favour and positively impact your business.

Are you free for a 5-minute call this week?


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This is a referral email, and people don’t use it very often because they feel that they may sound too salesy. However, the above template looks good enough and can get you a few good customers.

Template #15

Hello (reader’s name),

I came to know that you had visited our website and downloaded our ebook on <topic>. Do you want to gain knowledge regarding <topic> or are you searching for a budget-friendly solution for the same?

Here is what I feel would work for your company during my research:


I hope these help.


<Your name>

Why choose this template?

This cold email introduction looks convincing to the recipient. It may be similar to a template mentioned above, but here you are, providing tips to the prospect after looking at their website.

Apart from being out of the box, it is polite and non-spammy, unlike most other marketing emails.


The cold email has to be such that it gives you results. Getting a response is the best kind of result you would expect from a cold email.

It is the introduction that makes all the difference. If you can capture the prospect’s attention right at the start, the chances of the person reading the email till the end are higher. This increases the chances of closing sales because you can expect to have a happy ending when the beginning is correct.

There may be the need for follow-ups, but you must make sure that you leave no stone unturned in making a good impression on the prospect.

Only when somebody reads the email till the end can they decide whether to respond or not. You can go through the above templates and search for cold email introduction examples online to get a clear idea.

Besides the introduction, a call to action, and the subject line of a cold email are also essential aspects.



Sushant Shekhar

Founder of | From Prospecting to Outreach to Closing at lightning fast speed