6 ways to generate potential leads to maximize your sales

akshay parekh
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2019

Lead generation is the first stage for every B2B sales. There are multiple ways to generate leads but important is how effective the way is. If you are getting multiple leads but bad quality then it’s a waste of time and money. If you will invest your money in a proper way then it’s easy to generate good quality leads.

In my past experience at Bearbook, we have done an experiment on more than 25 ways to generate leads and out of that all ways I have found 6 ways which have given a positive impact on my sales.

These are the 6 effective ways to generate potential leads.

  1. Paid Ads (Facebook, Google etc)
  2. Social media marketing
  3. SEO
  4. Blogging
  5. Buy leads
  6. Online forums
  1. Paid Ads (Facebook, Google etc)

Paid ads are the most powerful and faster way to generate potential leads. Why? Because It allows you to create ads as per your business and customer you want in your platform. If you will create ads perfectly then you will get the leads who really wants to buy a product and the chances to convert into a customer is very high.

This way purely depends on your budget and how much money you are investing in ads.

2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing is a long term way to generates leads. It can help you to create your brand in social media. Once your brand creates in social media then it’s easy to get potential leads from social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Quora etc.

This way depends on how you are doing marketing on social media. Your content, Images, Videos are playing an important role for marketing in social media.

3. SEO

SEO does not directly help to generate leads but It helps to get potential leads by being present in the top of the Google search result.

It totally depends on your keywords and content on your website. If your keywords and contents are powerful for Google search results then Your chances to be present on top of the Google search result is high. SEO is also a long term beneficial way to generate potential leads.

4. Blogging

Blogging helps you to create your brand on the internet. Powerful content of your blogs directly hits the mind of the readers and helps them to understand your product clearly. Once your blogs get popularity among readers and help them to solve their problems then It will help you get high traffic in your product through blogs.

Blogging is completely free and very much effective for the long term goals and popularity in brands.

5. Buy Leads

Buying leads is also an effective and faster way to get potential leads. There are multiple platforms available on the internet which can work for you and provide you a good quality leads.

This way is also depend on your budget and how much money you are investing in. But you will definitely get potential leads If you buy it from good platforms.

6. Online forums

Online forums are also a powerful way to generate leads. Online forums like Shopify, Webflow etc helps you to get connected with the forum members and by sharing your product with them you can get potential leads easily.

This way is also completely free and faster.

Simplify your lead management

To simplify the lead management process you can use CRM (customer relationship management). Bearbook CRM can be the best option to get the start, it’s free and easy to use.

If you have any question to set up this process you can comment or reach out us on hello@bearbook.com

