Sales Report Mini Guide — Get Your Concise Sales Summary at a Glance

Sanjay Patel
Published in
6 min readOct 1, 2021

Do you remember the report card you used to get during your school days at the end of the year or term?

The Sales Report is quite the same.

As a report card displays a student’s performance, a sales report displays the sales performance. Sales Report summarizes the sales and all its related activities in a concise, formatted manner. Now when you have an idea about what a sales report is! You might be curious to know the purpose of a sales report. So let me dig it deep.

A sales report aids in making explicit and more informed decisions. You can have a better outlook of your company’s sales within minutes with a sales report. Suppose you want to look at how your previous sales strategy works or you onboard a new sales manager to guide your track, then what can be better than sales reports for them to analyze.

To bestow you with one such reliable solution, we are here with Salescamp CRM. Avail your free demo today and grab the best Sales CRM benefits straight to your pocket. Let’s discuss it more.

Now, What are the Challenges Faced by Businesses with Poor Sales Reporting?

Sales reporting is no rocket science, but if your sales reports are inappropriate, they can cost your business a high amount.

Poor sales reporting means poor strategies and wrong decisions. The businesses that lack efficient sales reporting result in poor sales strategies. Furthermore, poor sales reporting consumes more time than assumed. As a result, numerous companies face problems due to poor sales reporting: closing fewer deals, land to failed strategies, more confusion, complex data, etc.

The importance of a sales report is something which you should not ignore in a business.

You might be wondering that marketing and everything is fine but how a sales report helps to analyze business sales performance? Let me tell you the secret.” It’s the analytics”! Well, sales reports are essential because they allow you to forecast revenue. Apart from that, suppose you have five employees, and you want to determine the sales done by Jim Ford, then what is the best and easiest way? Sales Report! With a Sales Report, you can get any information regarding sales just within the blink of an eye.

Now the Next Question That Most Readers Raise is; what are the Different Types of Sales Reports?

Types of Sales Reports are of Numerous Types. It Includes:

1. Promotional Sales Report:

It is the report generated based on the promotional sales result.

2. Coupon Sales Report:

It is the report drafted based on the result of sales made with coupons.

3. Deals Sales Report:

It is the report presented based on the results of the deal closed and won.

4. Call Reports:

Call reports are the reports generated specifying the call history of the particular representative.

5. Productivity Report:

It indicates the sales made by any representative that tells how much sales a representative made, what activities they performed, how they approached objections, and much more.

Why go for a Sales Report?

Observes the performance of a sales team

Suppose you want to figure out the best employee of the month, then a sales report is the best choice. Get the top employees at a glance without any inconvenience. You can get the complete salesperson activity report telling which strategies worked, how many deals were closed, the approach that landed more prospects, and much more.

Evaluate most profitable products/services

A CRM Sales report makes it convenient to track how your product or service is working, the areas of improvement, and how to manage a particular approach for the future. Furthermore, it indicates the strategies that worked for a specific product, where we have to invest more in a product, which marketing strategy worked for a product, and much more.

It mitigates the drawbacks of staff turnover

When your employees get enough information regarding their progress, they get a chance to improve. It even maintains transparency and eliminates conflicts at a broader level. For example, suppose Tom Kanvisky closed deals with ten new clients in the past month and wanted to figure out what worked the best for him. So he can have a look at Sales reports and can determine what went wrong or right.

Increasing or maintaining a high-performance sales team

It gets easy to maintain and add new members to the team. You can check your sales employees and their tasks and activities, which aids while onboarding new team members.

It helps sales reps to close more deals

A sales rep can close more deals with transparent information by having a clear idea through sales reports.

Now that we have abundant knowledge regarding Sales Report. Let’s see

How to Create a Sales Report Effortlessly?

Can you imagine things working right? If your approach is notappropriate. No, you can’t! So let’s head to the base.

Define the Gist

To build any phenomenal asset, what you need is a clear target. It would be best if you determined what the purpose of your sales report is. For example, do you want to see how many clients were closed, or you want to have a look at the strategies used, or you want to see the products that made you achieve greater heights. At this stage, your main task is to work on this part to find why you need this report? What will be the solutions covered under this report? Who will receive the benefit of this report etc.?

Time Period

Now when we know the purpose, the next crucial part is the period. Figure out the time of the sales report. You want to make reports for a particular week, a specific month, or a specific year. Get a clear idea regarding it.

Gathering required data

You just can’t put anything in a sales report because it won’t work in that way. So instead, collect the relevant and frequent data as per your need and present it effectively.

Make it user-friendly

Once you are done with collecting all necessary data, then there comes the vital task of presentation. You have to think of clear and easy graphs and effective ways of presentation at this stage because the viewer should get a clear and concise idea in the minimum time.

Use your Sales Companion-CRM

CRM makes the climbing of the sales named mountain easy. It provides relevant information related to deals, clients, sales reps, prospects, and much more.

You can have a clear picture at a glance.

  1. How many deals were closed?
  2. Which rep managed which client?
  3. How well does a strategy work?
  4. How many deals were won?

Sales reports, if managed and prepared correctly, can make you achieve boulders. I hope this blog will aid you in making more informed and actionable sales reports.

Originally published at

