Enrich Your CRM User with Insights from Data Cloud

Stefan Quaadgras
Salesforce Architects
8 min readMar 27, 2024


From Identity Resolution to Calculated Insights, Data Cloud offers many ways to help customers understand their data. However, to get the most out of Data Cloud, those understandings need to make their way back to the CRM User — your sales rep, your service agent, your marketers, etc.

The best way to deliver this data back is by using Data Cloud enrichments, a recent addition to Data Cloud.

There are 2 kinds of Enrichments: Copy Fields and Related Lists.

Copy Fields allow you to copy field data 1:1 from Data Cloud objects to CRM objects. For example, if you calculate the Lifetime Value (LTV) of every Individual in Data Cloud and John Smith has “LTV” = 1500, then you can copy that ‘1500’ value to a field on John Smith’s Contact record in CRM.

This Enrichment links a Data Model Object (DMO) or a Calculated Insight Object (CIO) to a CRM Object. DMO/CIO records will then have their fields’ values automatically copied to matching CRM records.

As of Winter ’24, you can copy from DMOs/CIOs with a 1:1 relationship to the Individual/Unified Individual DMO’s, and you can copy to the Contact and Lead objects in CRM. We expect more objects to be supported in future releases.

Related Lists let you list Data Cloud objects with a many:1 relationship to a CRM object. For example, if Data Cloud ingests Email Engagement records from multiple sources, then you can copy every Email Engagement sent to John Smith on his Contact record home in CRM.

As of Winter ’24, you can create lists of DMOs with a 1:many relationship to the Unified Individual DMO, and you can list them on the Contact/Lead objects in CRM. More objects will be supported in future releases.

Let’s quickly walk through how to can set up each type of Enrichment.

How to Set up Copy Field Enrichments

Let’s say you’ve created a CIO called Unified LTV, which sums the value of all Sales Orders associated with each Unified Individual. You now want to copy Unified LTV to your Contacts in Sales Cloud, so your Sales Reps can see each Contact’s lifetime-value and prioritize their work accordingly.

1. Create a Custom Field to Target
A Copy Field Enrichment will overwrite any existing data in the selected fields of the CRM object you are targeting. To avoid losing data, create a new custom field to store this Copy Field Enrichment’s data (ex:

2. Give Copy Fields Permission to Edit the Target Field
Copy Fields need permission to edit target fields. You’ll want to modify all of the permissions on the corresponding target field and check the Edit Access checkbox (which also grants Read Access).

3. Create a Copy Field Enrichment
In object manager Click the
Data Cloud Copy Field tab and hit New, which will launch a modal. Select your Data Space and your Source Data Cloud Object (ex: Unified LTV). Next, select your sources fields and name your enrichment. It will show up in the new Data Cloud Copy Field tab’s list view.

4. Map Source Fields to Target Fields
Next, let’s map the fields. For each Source Field you’ve added, you can select a
Target Field (ex: LTV) that exists on your Target Object (ex: Contact) to write to.

5. Activate the Copy Field Enrichment
Once done with mapping, hit Activate to begin copying fields from the Source Object records to all matching Target Object records. This initial job may take some time. Incremental jobs will update the Target’s records with new changes. To edit an enrichment, deactivate it, make any changes, then activate it again.

Data Cloud Copy Field enrichments allow you to copy field data 1:1 from Data Cloud objects to CRM objects. For example, it can enable them to sort contacts on the record by highest lifetime value using data imported from Data Cloud.
Data Cloud Copy Field enrichments allow you to copy field data 1:1 from Data Cloud objects to CRM objects. For example, it can enable users to sort contacts on the record by highest lifetime value using data imported from Data Cloud.

Once the copying process is done, the copied field is fully part of the CRM Object and your Sales Reps can easily see the contacts with the highest LTV without having to search:

For a more detailed walkthrough of how to set up a Copy Field Enrichment, visit help and training.

How to set up a Related List Enrichment

Let’s say you’ve ingested Email Engagement DMO’s, each associated with an Individual. When I create Unified Individual in Data Cloud, multiple Individuals’ Email engagements then become related. I want my Sales Rep to see a list of all email engagements related to only the unified individual on the contact record.

1. Start a new Related List in Object Manager
Start by clicking the
Data Cloud Related List tab in the Contact object manager to launch a modal.
2. Select the DMO to list on the Record Home
Go through the modal and select the DMO storing the records you want to list. On the following screen, you’ll select the Unified Object that will determine which DMO records get listed together.

3. Finalize the Default Related List
Label your Related List as you want it to appear in page layouts and selectors. If using Engagement DMOs (which have a time dimension), the default Related List component will only show DMOs from the
last 7 days.

4. Edit the Lightning Page
The Related List component does not show many columns of data or allow advanced filtering. You will likely want to use this new Related List lookup to create a Dynamic Related List.

Once the Dynamic Related List is done, it will generate on the selected page layout(s) for that CRM Object. The related DMO records can help a CRM User get important context about a record, such as seeing how often a Contact has been emailed over the past year.

For a more detailed walkthrough of setting up a related list enrichment, visit help and training.

Under the Hood

Hopefully that was instructive and you are excited about setting up both types of enrichments. For those of you who want to go a little deeper and understand enrichments with more technical depth, let’s take a look under the hood on both Copy Fields and Related Lists.

Hopefully that was instructive and you are excited about setting up both types of enrichments. For those of you who want to go a little deeper and understand enrichments with more technical depth, let’s take a look under the hood on both Copy Fields and Related Lists.

Copy fields

When the Copy Field starts syncing, it parses through the Source Object records and finds their corresponding Individual ID’s. It then checks if those Individual ID’s match the SFID’s in the Target Object in CRM. If there’s a match, it copies the Source Fields to the Target Fields.

When the Copy Field starts syncing, it parses through the Source Object records and finds their corresponding Individual ID’s. It then checks if those Individual ID’s match the SFID’s in the Target Object in CRM. If there’s a match, it copies the Source Fields to the Target Fields.
When the Copy Field starts syncing, it parses through the Source Object records and finds their corresponding Individual ID’s.

For Copy Fields to work, you need to ingest your Contact/Lead Objects from CRM into the Individual DMO in Data Cloud. Once that’s done, you can copy from any Source Object that has a 1:1 relationship with the Individual or Unified Individual DMOs. Below is an example of how that mapping would work for the Unified LTV CIO.

For Copy Fields to work, you need to ingest your Contact/Lead Objects from CRM into the Individual DMO in Data Cloud. Once that’s done, you can copy from any Source Object that has a 1:1 relationship with the Individual or Unified Individual DMOs.
An example of how that mapping would work for the Unified LTV CIO

Related Lists

When you open the Record Home page, the Dynamic Related List will query all Email Engagement records available via the Unified Object. For instance, say Bill James is sent 1 Email and William James is sent 2. If Bill and William are part of the same Unified Individual, the Related List on both of their Record Homes will show all 3 Emails.

The image flow below shows a great example of how this data moves from multiple Email Engagement DMOs to a related list on the contact Record.

If Bill James is sent 1 Email and William James is sent 2. If Bill and William are part of the same Unified Individual, the Related List on both of their Record Homes will show all 3 Emails.
Bill James is sent 1 Email and William James is sent 2. If Bill and William are part of the same Unified Individual, the Related List on both of their Record Homes will show all 3 Emails.

Big Additions to Copy Fields in Spring ‘24

Key Qualifier Filters
Copy Field now lets you set a Key Qualifier filter to optimize your sync process.
Key Qualifiers are a field that you can append to all your records in a Data Lake Object, helping you discern what data came from where.

For example, if I ingest data from an North America-focused org and an EMEA-focused org, I may assign their DLO’s “NA” and “EMEA” KQ’s. By default, the Copy Field Enrichment will filter by Data Source ID. A typical flow may look as follows:

  1. Admin streams Contacts from an NA org and an EMEA org, mapping them into the Individual DMO.
  2. Records from each are automatically assigned a Data Source ID, corresponding to that org’s ID.
  3. Admin creates a Copy Field to the EMEA org’s Contact object.
  4. By default, only the records with the EMEA Data Source ID will be copied. NA records will be filtered out, as non-EMEA records generally won’t match EMEA SFIDs.
  5. To address exceptions, Admin can instead use a Key Qualifier filter. For example, say the Admin ingests Contacts from an Amazon S3 that they know match the EMEA org’s SFIDs. They could assign that S3 data an “EMEA” KQ and choose to copy all records with “EMEA” in their KQ field.
Key Qualifiers are a field that you can append to all your records in a Data Lake Object, helping you discern what data came from where.
Key Qualifiers are a field that you can append to all your records in a Data Lake Object, helping you discern what data came from where.

Sync History
Each Copy Field Enrichment now has a Sync History tab. Once activated, it will show details about both Full Sync jobs and Incremental Sync jobs. Full Sync jobs will also include links to the underlying Bulk Data Load job details, which are available for 30 days to assist with any troubleshooting.

Big Additions to Related Lists in Spring ‘24

Related Lists on Accounts
Just like Admins could create Related Lists on Contact/Lead sObject with the Individual/Unified Individual DMOs, they will soon be able to create Related Lists on the Account sObject with the Account/Unified Account DMOs. Admins can list Engagement DMOs with a 1:many relationship to either the Account DMO or the Unified Account DMO. This will be available in the Data Cloud Related Lists tab of Object Manager in an upcoming patch.

Go make life better for your CRM users

Data Cloud Enrichments offer an efficient way to integrate your Data Cloud data into CRM. They can open up a world of possibilities for your users. Sales reps can better prioritize leads, more easily identify cross sell/upsell opportunities, and measure the effectiveness of sales strategies. Service agents can resolve issues faster, anticipate the needs of their customers, and minimize response times. Marketers can segment with more depth, target messages based on behavior, and understand the ROI of campaigns in real time.

Setting up enrichments is just the beginning.

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