Introducing the Pattern & Anti-Pattern Explorer

Salesforce Architects
Salesforce Architects


Today, we’re releasing the Pattern & Anti-Pattern Explorer, a new tool to make it easier for you to create custom lists of patterns & anti-patterns from across Well-Architected. You can find it here.

You can see it in action below:

Animation showing how to use the Pattern and Anti-Pattern Explorer
Find and create custom lists of patterns and anti-patterns

We heard from many of you about using the pattern & anti-pattern tables in the individual sections of Well-Architected, and how you’d like to get at them faster and see them in a single place. That is why we created this explorer. Today, you can explore by specific areas of the Well-Architected framework, or location where a pattern or anti-pattern may occur. You can also search for specific text. You can share any customized view of patterns & anti-patterns you create on social or by URL.

In the coming weeks, we’ll add on more functionality like exports and downloads.

As always, you can send us your feedback and ideas. We can’t wait to see what you do with the new Pattern & Anti-Pattern Explorer.



Salesforce Architects
Salesforce Architects

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