October 2021 Sneak Peek

Marc Braga
Salesforce Architects
3 min readSep 30, 2021


Image of geese flying.

In October, we’ll go deeper into all the exciting announcements at Dreamforce ’21 for architects and more. We’ll provide guidance on how to be productive with all the new resources and show you how to successfully align teams and unlock engagement. And of course, we’re releasing more diagrams and templates to help you design solutions faster and easier.

Let’s take a quick look at some of what you can expect.

On the Blog:

  • Dreamforce ’21 featured the first ever Architect main show hosted by Parker Harris. Lead Architect Evangelist, Susannah St-Germain, will walk us through the increasing focus on Salesforce Architects over the years across our big events and more.
  • Managing Feature Access with Sharing Rules on Salesforce CDP: Did you know that sharing rules can be used on Salesforce CDP objects? If not, CDP Product Manager, William Yeh has you covered. This post will show you how to set up sharing rules to extend access on CDP Config objects including Data Streams, Segments, and Activations.
  • Automate Processes and Collaborate on Unstructured Data with Quip: Molly Fravel, Sr. Principal Customer Success Architect with Salesforce.org, will help you make your employees lives easier and align teams faster by streamlining business processes across documents with Salesforce Flow and Quip.
  • Modern Loyalty Architectures with Salesforce: Customer loyalty has evolved. Customers expect companies to meet them where they are with a more personalized experience. Senior Director, Strategic Programs and Architecture, Antonio Figueiredo, discusses why loyalty matters and how to start building your loyalty management solution complete with new resources available on the Architect Digital Home (details below 👇)
  • Business Continuity is More Than Backup and Restore: Salesforce Success Architects William Lem, Ingo Fochler, and Dana Furman share the their approach to establishing a BCP based on valuable experiences helping our customers do the same during the Pandemic. Be proactive and review this approach before the next unexpected event.
  • And, we’ll follow up on some Dreamforce ’21 announcements architects are most interested in with New Data Models on the Architect Digital Home and Introducing Performance Assistant and Scale Center, straight from the Salesforce Architecture and Scalability teams that built them.

On the Architect Digital Home:

  • Loyalty Management Reference Architectures — Architects love diagrams, right? Well we have 7 new diagrams coming to the Reference Architecture Gallery with Lucidchart templates to help you start building your loyalty management solution, faster and easier. Stay tuned to our blog, Twitter, and LinkedIn to be notified when these are available.

Other Highlights:

What You Can Do Now:

Get caught up on Dreamforce ’21 by watching the Architect Main Show on Salesforce+ and exploring the DF21 NTO Blueprints. Don’t forget about those 6 new beautiful product data models in the Architecture Gallery 😳

And, if Dreamforce ’21 consumed your September like it did ours, you can catch up on the blog posts below:



Marc Braga
Salesforce Architects

I am a Sr. Director and CTA at Salesforce. I write about enterprise architecture, technical leadership, and sometimes sports and cars. Thanks for reading!