Salesforce Live Web Chat

Ranbir Kumar Das
Salesforce Champion
3 min readApr 5, 2021
Salesforce Live Web Chat

Salesforce live webchat Help customer interacts with the support team. It also improves the support experience for customers. It is very easy to set up the live chat in salesforce. Connect with your customers wherever they are with live, web-based chat.

Many customers already use the live chat in their day-to-day interactions, which makes it an incredibly useful support tool for businesses. Plus, it gives customers that proactive, personalized TLC right where they need it: while they’re browsing through a website. Being there can make the difference between a happy customer who keeps coming back, and one who… well… doesn’t.

Webchat Offers real-time support to the customer.

Let’s discuss how to set up the webchat.


Go to the service setup click on view all then search for a chat with the customer.

Salesforce Live Web Chat


Create a chat queue.

Chat Queue

Chat queue defines the queue name and the name of the group. Here we select the user from the list who will receive the chat notification.


Adjust your agents’ chat workload

Set how much work your agents can handle at once. Size your chats relative to agent capacity so that agents can handle multiple chats, but aren’t overworked.

Work Item Size and Capacity

Work Item Size: Amount of an agent’s capacity that one work item from Test Queue consumes.

Agent Capacity: Total Capacity of an agent.


Let’s make chat work on your website

Domain Verification

Here we need to add the domain where we use this chatbox. we can also add the wild pattern domain.


Chat with Customer

Chat Flow

This determines the flow of your chat. we will be selecting the Service in our case.


Grab your code snippet

Code Snippet

This Code we can use either any of our external website or on our visual force page. Here we will create the visual force page.


Place the code on your own website or on a visual force page. For example, I applied it to my own website.

Char Form


To make the chatbox enabled we have to make ourselves online and that can be done through omnichannel.

Omnichannel agent logged in screen

After submitting the query from the chatbox you receive the chat request in your Support panel.

Once you accept the request you will have the chatbox to chat with the customer.


This is how you set up the chat configuration. There is also an option where you can manage the changes after the setup. This setting allows the Branding, offline support etc. To manage the setting go to setup and type Embedded Service Deployment Settings.

General Setting



Ranbir Kumar Das
Salesforce Champion

I M Believer, Helper, Chaser, Thinker, Rich, Explorer, Prayer, Boss, Freedom, Fearless, Investor, Faith, Creator, trillionaire, CSM, Salesforce certified