Salesforce Omni Channel Highlights

Ranbir Kumar Das
Salesforce Champion
3 min readSep 10, 2023
Omni channel

The term “omnichannel” describes the idea of giving customers and prospects smooth, integrated experiences across several media. To enable a continuous client journey, it’s about integrating the many channels your company uses.

Complete, Consistent, and Connected — are how Salesforce conceptualizes Omni-Channel. No matter the channel, Omni-Channel enables you to give clients a comprehensive experience while also ensuring that they have a consistent one. It also keeps work connected and unified for your agents to handle.

Below are mandatory setup/terms used in the Omni channel

  1. Service channel
  2. Routing configuration
  3. presence status
  4. Presence configuration
  5. Supervisor setting
  6. Supervisor Configuration

Service channel

You can convert practically any Salesforce object — including a case, lead, or even a custom object — into a work record using service channels. Following that, Omni-Channel takes these work items out of their queues and routes them in real-time to your agents.

Service Channel

Routing Configuration

The omni-channel routes’ support for agents is determined by the routing configuration. Least Active or Most Available are the two criteria used in the routing model to choose the agents. Routing Configuration helps you to give priority to the work items and give the capacity.

Routing configuration

Presence status

Let agents indicate when they’re online and available to receive work items from a specific service channel, or whether they’re away or offline.

Presence configuration

Presence configurations control the amount of work that agents may handle as well as their Omni-Channel actions when assisting clients. Determine how to handle work requests in each arrangement. You can decide whether agents can reject work items and if so, why. Additionally, pick one of the Omni-Channel statuses that agents are given if they miss or decline a work item.

Presence configuration

Supervisor setting

Allow support managers to keep an eye on customer and agent interactions so they can intervene as necessary.

Supervisor setting

Supervisor Configuration

With Omni-Channel Supervisor, real-time information about your Omni-Channel agents, queues, and work is streamed live into the panel.

Here, We have the option to monitor the agents through their supervisor.

  1. Choose supervisor
  2. Choose the agents who managed by supervisor
  3. Here also, we assign the action that is taken by the supervisor.



Ranbir Kumar Das
Salesforce Champion

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