Article #5 —Custom Object Retention — Salesforce Commerce Cloud (Do You Know Series)

Do you want to extend the SFCC feature for the client’s requirement?

Savan Koradia
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Tales
1 min readSep 6, 2022


Based on your client’s requirement sometimes default system objects are not enough to handle the information. For example, newsletter information is to be saved in a custom object and sent to 3rd party. To understand more about custom objects read through here: Infocenter.

Salesforce Commerce Cloud applies quota limits on various objects. A quota limit is used to give the best performance of the system. The quota is shared across all sites in the instance.

One should not save data in a custom object for a long time for all these reasons.

While configuring any Custom Object the Business manager also asks for a retention period. According to your integration or feature requirement, the value should be set so that Salesforce Commerce Cloud can remove such objects once retention time is reached.

If for your feature/integration you require to remove only specific types of objects prior to the retention period, you can use a dedicated job to remove such objects.

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This series is created to share important points for the Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It is quick to read and get important knowledge points for the developer to consider during work.



Savan Koradia
Salesforce Commerce Cloud Tales

SFCC Solution Architect, Mentor. I write about technical learning, improvements, work culture, mentoring.